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About pequadcob2009

  • Birthday 03/27/1991

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  • Biography
    Just your average run of the mill wanna be film composer... I mostly do this in my free time.
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    Academic Advisor
  • Favorite Composers
    Philip Glass, Max Richter
  • My Compositional Styles
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    MuseScore, Cakewalk
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Clarinet

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  1. What type of film would you think you would hear this type of piece in?
  2. This is the introduction to a piece, but I haven't continued it yet. This was the first piece I made when I finally built a new computer to handle the samples I downloaded from EastWest's CC plus. What are your thoughts? I do need to edit out some of the beginning as it doesn't start until 9 seconds in.
  3. Yes it is weird to see Old Members and I feel like I remember you from all those years ago. I'm no longer a "young" composer, I'd say, haha.
  4. I'm using EastWest as well, but I have the Composer Cloud Plus, so I used Hollywood Strings Diamond. I am thinking about doing that for all the strings too because most of them are on legato which causes that swooping sound. I like that but I need others on top. For the brass I am using Hollywood Brass and for the bit of percussion, as you may have guessed, it is Hollywood Percussion. The piano is one of the ones from East West as well. For the DAW I am using Cakewalk.
  5. If it was intentional that makes sense, otherwise I was surprised to hear it.
  6. Here is "The Inevitable". I haven't worked out the score completely. I know there is some where delays in the timing and some weird tonal issues with one part of it. I will look into what is causing. Just curious what your thoughts are so far.
  7. I definitely hear Star Spangled Banner at the beginning.
  8. For that clarinet point: I played clarinet for nearly twenty years and I wouldn't be able to do those high notes. I'm sure it is doable for someone who is an orchestra, but it seems pretty high. I haven't played for a bit now, though, so I cannot honestly say.
  9. I know this is quite an old post but I would like to give my thoughts: I really think the piece has potential - that being said, the quality of the .mp3 is not great, with those midi instruments. I really wish you had better samples to work with. Often that has been my problem with composition. You have made a nice sound although it ends very abruptly.
  10. I would like to participate. I am late and only have a few days to come up with something, but I would like to try.
  11. Could you elaborate on the "the Piano 2 entrance with an octave then to a single, because a) it will be heard better 2) creates a sense of movement without really moving much (basically a horn call). BTW you do this later an octave lower in quarters later in the piece in Piano 1" thanks! :)
  12. An Entrancing Piano Duet. The rhythm was based off of Michael Nyman's Piano Piece The Heart Asks Pleasure First, thus the title is homage towards him. First Pleasure Asks the Heart
  13. Actually in fact, I sat down and played the Clarinet part and I found that it was a little hard breathing in some spots, not to mention fingerings were weird as well, but, that can all be fixed in due-course. I'm sure that if we varied the ostinato between instruments that would eliminate any hazardous spots. - Caleb
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