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About Revisor

  • Birthday 01/24/1983

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    Overall programming and development (3d, applicatinos, web); Progressive Metal, Romanitcism; Yoga, Jiu-Jitsu, Body-Building, Ballistic

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  1. Enough to make me wish to kill something.
  2. heh... I'd never drop programming that way as it is for me a passion on an absolutely different plane than music is, yet not lesser and not greater. But if you feel that way, I'd suggest you start thinking how to ensure your existance so you can enjoy yourself fully.
  3. I'd add a harp, subtle but rhytmic more dense than anything else, just to mark harmony and keep fine mood. When the first part culminate, I'd involve something totaly new, much more serene, open and vivid. After that... I'd see. It can be ABA, ABCBA, one fantasy or something other. So much for tips. Fine material btw.
  4. Revisor

    Jap War

    Very cute one. I liked that echoing effect in the second part. One suggestion would be to use either more layers of bass or to find an softer way to break unitone ostinato in bass in the first part. Imo, some traingle accents would sound great too. For the second part I would consider something deep an frequently vibrating in low, and something more aggressive in middle register. Subtle introduce to both, of course.
  5. Yes. Free your mind from all the disrurbances of the outside world and the motives will start to come on their own. Dream is one of the ways and it provodes, at least in my case, excellent replacement for any kind of sound playing medium. What I dream sometimes, is a really good music in the background of dream plot. Sometimes it is delivered from the music I hear every day but sometimes it isn't. It's mine product. Pity that i can remember just the last few motives in the first minutes after I woke up. Unfortunately, I'm mostly too lazy to write that stuff.
  6. So, this is an short part of one piece. Actually I wished to post it in Piano section but wait-a-bit - it isn't finished. So it goes here. My question would be the same thou. I would like to hear opinions of people here on the way piano is used. Other comments and suggestions would be appreciated. :ninja: Sorry for my english. I never sat to learn it systematically. op.125.part.mid
  7. Actually I like both major and minor second, perfect fifth and fourth and octave in an chord... hmm, let me see. I will pick up the perfect fifth. Striving to the equilibrium. Interval in the melody... minor sixth and octave would be probably my most favourite to hear, although not the most used. I select the first one.
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