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  1. I wonder how much it will cost to someone to digitalize a music score which is handwritten by the composer and to get it on some notation software like Sibelius. I think the price will depend on the pages. Let's say in my case it's a score of 250 pages. Also its a vocal score (SATB and Piano) 1st question: What other parameters should I consider on the price? Like the how many notes per page maybe? or something else? 2nd question: What's the fastest way to make the score (i mean except using only your mouse) 3rd question: Do you know any other notation software better than SIbelius to do this work? 4th question: How much may be the price of this?
  2. "Vocalise for Nine Voices" - music video Who I am: http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/4224/kotsi1bw.jpg My name is Kostika Çollaku and I'm an independent composer from Thessaloniki, Greece. I am 23 and I compose contemporary classical music. I think it's better to know me through my work so here is a link to my blog were you can listen all my compositions: http://kostikacollaku.blogspot.gr/ What I want to do: I want to shoot a music video to accompany my musical piece 'Vocalise for nine voices'. I want to shoot it in an abandoned factory in Thessaloniki, Greece, that looks like this: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8445/iedit.jpg A couple things about the piece: Vocalise was composed from June to September of 2012, to be played on Thessaloniki's Concert Hall on 10th November 2012, amongst classic pieces, in the 25th anniversary concert of the “Mixed Choir of Thessaloniki”. The piece lasts 4min. and 12sec. This drawing of Matthieu Barrère summarizes for me everything the piece is about better than I could put it to words: the thing we call "Life", and it's two key reference points, "Birth" and "Death". http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/1890/birthdeathlifesimplifie.jpg Immediately after the concert I wanted to make a better recording of the piece but this time with nine voices instead of a full choir and a solo baritone, meaning one person per voice. So I gathered nine very talented opera singers from Thessaloniki and we started rehearsals. My goal was to make a good studio recording and a good video clip. On Sunday, December 23th we accomplished the first part, making a pretty good recording of the piece. You can listen to a sample above. The full piece will be available once we get the second part of the goal. This is where you come in! What I need: I need your support to fund the making of the video: money to rent serious, professional equipment like a good camera, rails, lights etc. The shooting is scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 19th, and the video will be ready by the first days of February... with your help. The piece and the video will be freely available on the internet and there will be no proceeds, although you do get some perks of course! The founds needed are a pretty modest sum for a project like this, I think, but we' re content to stick to the absolutely necessary. With Greece stuck in a continuing financial crisis, I think it means a lot to prove that good art can still happen, even under strenuous circumstances, when some see it as a luxury. I do believe realizing this little vision will be a creative stand against the doom and gloom surrounding us. Even more so if you become a part of it. Thank you for your time and your support. Please let me know if you have any questions. Kostika Çollaku Here is the link where you can help the project with a small contribution. http://www.indiegogo.com/vocalisemusicvideo/x/889366
  3. New song uploaded for soprano and piano with real recording called ''Fearless Bird'' its in my contents!

  4. New song uploaded for soprano and piano with real recording called ''Fearless Bird''

  5. Writing an Opera named ''Utopia'' about humanity.

  6. I don't compose actually those type of songs but I had the lyrics from a friend of mine and I wanted to experiment with it. My only aim was to write something smooth with a little bit of jazzy feeling. This is not mixed and mastered properly cause Idon't have monitors right now so I know that the sound could be better but you can tell me what you think about the composition I'm really interested to hear... :)Lyrics:I have lost my dignityand I'm faced with the consequence...of my arrogancebut I don't plea insanity.There is much I'm yet to dealbut that's the way I'm gonna heal.Breathe in, breathe outand if you feel it, baby, shout!But now that you can bea lot more than you now see.I trash what I have felttear down all that I've built...I know what I have done,how shallow I've become.but yet I've come to learnjust so my faith back I can earn...But friend, just heed my warningyour life is all you keep postponing...Breathe in, breathe outand if you feel it, baby, shout!But now that you can bea lot more than you now see. Breathe
  7. Hello I live in Greece and I was wondering if you know anything about scholarships given in composition. I don't care where. I am thinking seriously to do something about it cause here the things are worst than you can imagine, I mean you don't have much opportunities to do anything on that direction. So if you know anything please let me know...
  8. This is the 4th piece from the score that I wrote last year for the classic film Dracula (1931) with Bela Lugosi. The piece is very minimal and all I wanted to do in this particular scene was to create an atmosphere not so much frightening but mysterious I would say. My aim when I start writing the score (which includes 8 more pieces) was to see the film with a contemporary look and not to write something usual.You can see the scene combined with the live performance here: ''Goodnight Mr. Renfield - Kostika Collaku [Live]'' ''Goodnight Mr. Renfield''
  9. This is written for a short film.The scene that music take place is a romantic one.I don't know if the guitar can play those arpeggios first it was written for piano but I liked this sound combination more so I kept it this way. Fantasia for Tenor Saxophone and Guitar
  10. Marius thanks for looking a little bit further to this...I agree very much with you. I know very well what you mean cause I was collaborated with some directors and I have wrote some original scores. First I wanted to write something completely different from the original and from other prospective and second I was free from director so I decided to take it a little bit further and experiment with it. I think if I was the original composer the result it would be completely different cause no one director wants the music to dwarf the visuals (exept of some exceptions of course)
  11. SergeOfArniVillage: Thanks, I have the same opinion with you about minimalism computers70 I think if I remove the piano and keep only the cello I would have to change many things on cello part cause its very different to sound alone (on harmonies,rythm etc...) but it could be.
  12. Oh thanks I really appreciate it. You're right for the beginning maybe it fits better something more ''relaxed'' and then a gradually crescendo until the flight.But I thought it this way cause from the beginning his has decided to die and he is already preparing for that. Also I forgot to mention that I used two basic techniques: Music combined exact for the picture for example as AntiA said very correctly (hummering the nails, falling/sliding from the rope, some trills when his jumping ect) and second music just to express the emotion of the character and the whole situation. Please feel free to comment anything that you like or you don't.
  13. I composed this last year for my college.My subject was ''Music and Picture'' so I choose this well known animation to compose for.My version is here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=012dBkrynUgand the original is here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdUUx5FdySsThe piece is for large ensamble, choir and piano.Vsti that i used:Piano:The GrandChoir:Magnus Choir and all the others with Miroslav Philharmonik. Kiwi
  14. Well done I really enjoyed.It sounds very fresh and your orchestration techniques are very good.I heard all your works and this is my favourite.What libraries you are using???
  15. Thanks jawoodruff for your comment I love the cello part too .... as for the piano I wanted to be very minimal and repetitive cause the whole piece has either start neither end it is just a sound that is passing through the time coming from somewhere and then continues to his journey. But this are just thoughts and experiments the point is on the ''play'' button...
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