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Mirchada last won the day on May 25 2012

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About Mirchada

  • Birthday 06/21/1992

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    guitar ,facebook, net ....

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  1. hey , i've never on a film sound track.. but working with "Hatem" the director .. it is like a big improvision .. lots of fun .. lots of luls the main thing is to socialize with the crew especially the director and the actors .. you have got to understand them... after that i just wrote a few rubbish stuff on paper .. and asked few instrumentalists to come over and then did our thing ... our opening is in 6 weeks .. and we are looking good =)
  2. hey .. can you suggest me any peaces ... with revolution as a theame !! :phones: thank's it would be best if it was something acoustic with a lot of percussion ..
  3. Depends on how big the project is.. we can discuss that in privet ..
  4. If you have a new album coming out and looking for an original eye catching artwork that says everything.. I will provide you with custom original creations.. I'm also available for logo designs.. If you are interested you can PM or Email me... contact: Good design is a lot like clear thinking made visual. — EDWARD TUFTE
  5. well if you can't afford this.. this one could be a solution ... a part from developing your personal technique in turning pages faster(or memorizing the last part of your sheets.. ) an electronic solution is recommended .. even a laptop or a Ipad will do the trick (of course with an appropriate pedal.. or a perfect timing technique ... )
  6. the second link works fine , it's the real deal :P not a sheep trial version ..
  7. you can try this first link ... if that doesn't help you can try this one ;)
  8. one thing ..when composing for guitar.. when you put a solo that requires a drop D tunning (or a drop D variant or a drop E whatever .. ) don't expect after/or before/ that we can play "regular shaped" chords .. so be easy on the shifting .. sometimes I find my self obliged to transpose the whole thing ,just so that i't can be "playable" .. and another thing .. PLEASE don't over estimate the Spanish guitars "sustain".. sometimes from hammering on and pulling off .. the note get faded away ..
  9. Welcome to Yc =) to have a Keyboard like you described you will need to have something in the range of a KORG PA2x Workstation which is a bit over your price range .. Or you can just have a "clavier maitre" or a midi controller.. and have another descent Keyboard so that you can cover all the points you have there .. It's almost impossible to find what you are describing there .. i think you have to compromise a bit ..
  10. Well , I've been to 2 rehearsals .. and it's not that clear yet .. even the director doesn't know yet where this is groining so .. I'll just move with the flow.. any way .. I've given him an Into piece .. with tapping on Spanish guitar .. he loved it .. he said no chords or too charged melodies.. well working on that .. =) than'x MADstudios =) i'm working by your words =)
  11. A decent RAM memory .. (no less then 4 Giga DDR-II.. ) and you MUST Have a good Sound-Card (you can't go cheep on that!!) but when you are buying a Soft you can read on the side or on the CD The minimum system specifications(That you should never look at by the way..) because your soft will work.. but it will bug and stop and be scrafty .. look for the Recommended System specifications If you have ALL of them then your soft will work as it's supposed to work ;)
  12. i'm not from mid east :P but that's the music i've studied.. i'm actually translating few master classes on the subject from arabic to english ..i'll be posting them soon here. 'cause even the tuning of the occidental instruments (chello, violin...) is different from the western standers if you are working on keys like "Bayati" ,"Mhayar Sikah" or "Hijaz" you can find a nice and clean introduction on the subject here: http://www.maqamworld.com/maqamat.html
  13. Nicely done but I can't recognize any "Arabic" 'makam' (key).. What you have done here is an occidental view of the Arabic music.. (I'm not saying that's wrong).. but if you want an authentic thing you should study oriental keys 'makamat' fro few examples you can look in youtube for "marcel khalifa " ; "oum kalthoum " , "Taqsim oud" ...
  14. Well it could be an idea.. but a lot of control would be needed .. 'cauase people would be putting stupid stuff just to make money .. and it would be quantity over quality .. among 10000 other problems i can see when handling money online ..
  15. a good idea ..as long as there is no "real" dollars involved ..I mean you don't buy YC credit .. you don't change it for $$ it's only earned from contributions to the forum or lessons or whatever online .. a system of exchange of those "tokens" between members will be useful .. for favors or help or thing .. but i say again it will be ruined if there is possibility to use them elsewhere ..
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