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Myrtle Esmeralde

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About Myrtle Esmeralde

  • Birthday 05/17/1995

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm a Homo-sapiens (Naturally) who likes living. Hurray.
  • Location
    Jerusalem, Israel. But I'll move to Finland one day... :)
  • Occupation
    School... Damit!
  • Interests
    Music, Art, Philosophy, Science, Europian Languages, and Goofing around with Sibelius 5.2.5... ;P

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  1. Hi! Hadas! HAPPY NEW YEAR to You)))) Be always smart, beautifull and kind)...)))))

  2. You might wanna check some of J. Sibelius's more dark-atmosphered works, such as the second part of the Lemminkäinen suite ( ) and some parts of En Saga. Some of Debussey's works are pretty chilling as well, although I do not have any specific one in my mind right now. If you don't mind having a piece with a singr and lyrics, I'd warmly recommend Leevi Madetoja's "Syksy", which pretty much chilled me to the bone... :wacko:
  3. Wow, nice!! I really like this poem!
  4. Hey Ilya! =)

    How are you? I'm terribly sorry I didn't write for so long... I just hate the new website Young Composers has turned into so I didn't log in that much. Not that I had a lot of time to do it...

    Did you finish your Second Violin sonata? I havn't finished a lot of stuff lately... What Happened to the good old website :( oh, well... I'd love to talk ...

  5. Hi, Hadas:)) Remember me? How are U? How is your study? Write the answer if U want. Couse I want to tolk to U) And I'm very sorry for I didnt write to U so a long time. I hadn't a enternet that time... sorry. So, write, when U will be in net)) Well.... bye)))

  6. It's very beautiful!! I like some parts and themes better than others, but as a whole - it's really great! You indeed managed to capture the mood of winter very well.
  7. I agree with descara and thepianoman, but I don't think I count - I don't like most of the modern music I hear... I didn't like the broken chords, they sounded a bit predicted.
  8. I personally though that the chord that was repeated again and again between the melody and the bass line, with almost no changes throughout most of the piece, made it a bit monotonous. I think that if you would've added other notes, to add a bit more color the piece would've still been simple, but a lot more beautiful. I'm not saying you should've changed the chord itself, of course, just to add to it a bit nore coloring after a while. The idea of the entire piece is very good, and I really liked the piece as a whole and the combination between the augmented chord and the melody and bass lines! :thumbsup: I'm not very learned in the whole "12 tone scale" stuff or all those whatever-they-might-be-modern-technique-"thingy"ies yet, but I say it leaves an effect on the listener, definately. (It's just that same repeated chord that annoyed me a bit...) This is just my opinion, and not a piece of advice, since as you can see I have a lot to learn and I need advice myself.... :D
  9. well, the picture I had in mind when I heard your piece was a hobbit getting out of his cabin (forgot how it's called in english) and passing the part of the shire he knows, with a big excited smile on his face... Just replace the trumpet with a soprano recorder, and this picture is complete...:) No, just kidding. the trumpet is very nice! This piece is really good!!! I love it!
  10. Wonderful! Just lovely!!! Very Beautiful and atmospheric!
  11. I'm really happy that this piece sounds Celtic... Of course I intended it to be, but since I haven't really "grew" on celtic music I had the impression that the piece wouldn't sound celtic to anyone but me... :whistling: Thank you for the compliment! :D
  12. Who says a lack of a distinct form is a bad thing? It's not. It's just a different way of composing. I usually have no defined structure in my pieces, and it doesn't mean they're bad because of it. Indeed, they could be bad (:whistling:... I can't really know) but I don't think the problem would be the lack of form. :P My problem is that it's too short for the kind of piece you were composing. Some musical ideas couldn't be developed for a longer time, but yours definately could, so good luck! :thumbsup: And yes, monotonous is not the word to describe it. Overall, I liked it. :)
  13. I searched for a young-composers-forum in google a month ago and - There I was! :w00t:
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