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About GonzaloMartins

  • Birthday 06/27/1985

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  1. I also agree with you guys! hahaah. The piano piece isn't mine. It's from another composer. The director instructed me to do that jump onto my style straight away. very well spotted guys and I am totally with you on that :)
  2. Hi everyone, I would like to share this project I had the pleasure to score. It's a privately funded film trailer made by some some Hollywood professionals: Light Upon Dark (Film Trailer) If you liked it, please have a listen to my Composer's Video Presentation below. CGI Video Introduction Please let me know what you think of it? :) Gonzalo Martins www.gonzalomartins.com
  3. THIS IS AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! I LOVEEEE WHEN PIECES LIKES THIS come on this website...!! I am honestly fed up of listening to crap sounding like MIDI here!!! THIS PIECE IS AMAZING!!! very realistic and brilliantly composed!!! congrats mate!
  4. yeah i know what you mean... i think i could have composed more afterwards... but i was fed up of this tune already cos I dont have time to sit down and make music...it's always 30 min here, 20 min there... so I have just decided to finish it loool. Yeah those were shimes together with a few instrument combinations that i like to make hehehhe :P but regarding the 12 first seconds ... i dont know why u say that they are rhythmically confusing? it seems pretty clear to me loool anyway...thanks for the feedback :D
  5. Hello guys... despite of posting 2 weeks ago a soundtrack...this is ACTUALLY THE FIRST TIME in months that I post something finished!! It was the first time that I have composed the mood - ADVENTURE so I hope you enjoy it!! As usual... I don't know which chords or keys signatures I have used but I hope you enjoy and comment :)The Adventure&The Mystery... The Adventure&The Mystery...
  6. Hello guys!! I haven't posted anything here for awhile, reason being is that I unfortunately dont have much time to compose and so I was stopped for 7 months. I have composed this new piece just to get back in shape (so it's a very short one lol). I just would like to say that the piece is neither mixed nor mastered since I have done it just for training purposes...so I am sorry if the levels and laudness are not as good as they should be. As usual I don't know the keys or chords used but I hope you like it :) Clumbsy & Drunk
  7. I really liked it!! Well done
  8. Mate very very good stuff !!!! Sometimes is good to hear nice soundtracks here for a change! Congratulations once again
  9. Thanks! ;) Keep chacking my website :P Regards, Gonzalo Martins
  10. heya mate! yeah i know unfortunately i rarely have time to make a few comments but i'm quite pleased to see that a lot of stuff here is getting really really good! :D guys feel free to check my website where i have a few works i have done for picture! I hope you guys like it :) www.gonzalomartins.com
  11. I really liked it mate! it could be on a very nice chickflick :)
  12. Heya guys! Although I have not been uploading anything for awhile (unfortunately), here is a track I have recently composed. For the ppl who has heard my stuff before, this tune is based in a previous soundtrack I had but I have recomposed it all! I hope you guys like it... and tell me what u think...specially after 1:50 :)P.S - you might have to turn the volume up because it's not mastered so it's sounding a bit low yet.cya ;) The Answer
  13. nah mate dont worries! thank you very much for your advices! i will defenetely keep your advices in mind next time i'll make another piece! about the other libraries, well i also have LA scoring strings, Symphobia etc... but i can rarely use them cos my PC cant handle that and at the moment i'm too broke to buy another computer loooooool but thnks for the advices :P
  14. Hello mate, Thanks for the feedback! but yeah, i actually did some of the things you said, specially the different reverbs and i have also created some reverb impulses for some groups of instruments. About EWQL, well i mostly use Gold and Gold XP but that doesnt mean that i dont use other VST libraries such as Stormdrum, true strike, omnisphere etc... however this soundtrack was entirely made using Gold and Gold XP :) i really would like to invite all of you to visit some more of my soundtracks under Music (on my website). there you can listen to me working with some other libraries and "Cheeky" (the humoresque piece) was entirely made using the built-in Reason Refills to prove the importance of the mix in making stuff to sound real :) (or at least as real as i can make :S) i really would like to know what u guys think of it and particularly you Andrew Skrabutenas, since you seem to have a lot of experience in this fiel already :P thank you everyone :) Gonzalo
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