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About TheWannabeChopin

  • Birthday 05/02/1995

Profile Information

  • Biography
    More than anything, I am a devout Christian.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Music is my way of life.
  • Favorite Composers
    Chopin, Brahms, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven.
  • My Compositional Styles
    Late Romantic, (And other, more adventurous things, for fun!)

TheWannabeChopin's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/15)

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  1. Although the stuff I have on here (I will very soon take everything off as to not damage my reputation (HA! :D)) is not very good, I would like to be a part of this project. I have not had time to compose properly because of pianistic commitments. However, I would still like to compose, if only little piano pieces (which is what you're offering!). If pieces were too difficult, then ossias could be included - this would include, perhaps the differences in a piece needed in order to suit an adult, or child beginner-learner (adults could manage greater stretches, of course). P.S - also simple piano duets, or teacher-student piano duets could be composed - I'm getting excited...
  2. A very nice piece, and I am angry that no-one has made a comment on it yet. Musically it was fine but, upload your score onto PDF instead of Sibelius please!
  3. Don't get me wrong, it's nice. I just feel that I don't know your style. You have written in the style of Brahms, Beethoven and in the baroque, but not fully expressing yourself.
  4. I would love to be a part of this if we were starting it again.
  5. A lovely little piece, however I would like to see some more chromaticism in your writing. I would have added a contrasting middle section, not to be nasty, but 70 bars of c major could get tedious. Keep composing and good work!
  6. One of the best pieces on here, really beautiful and Schumannesque. I would however love a score to assess it's playability!
  7. I simple piece I have been composing recently; Sonata form with fugal development. Strangely this is my first upload on Young composers, I hope you like it. Octet in B Flat
  8. Very good contrapuntal skills, you have given a excellent account of this form. However, I would like to see a couple of things. First, a score, it is very hard to assess music criticaly without a score; and secondly, I would like to see more development of the form, more originallity, experiment a little and find your own voice in already established forms. Very good work. 7/10.
  9. What an interesting piece. I do like the shifting tonality in it and changes of meter. However, there is something about it I don't like. It's doesn't have the feel of actually meeting God. This is God we're speaking about. We don't have enough words in the english languages to describe his greatness. Don't get me wrong, it is a very good piece, however there is just something missing. 7/10.
  10. I'll enter. Maybe I'll finish this entry on time. :)
  11. This is in Reviewer's Picks? I really don't see what people see in it.
  12. I was wondering where the October competition went! May I join? I have one question you say "at least 2 of" does that mean I can have two harps?
  13. Lautremec said on October 13, 2010, 9:52 pm: Yeah, I wasn't quite sure what to call it... what would you have said? Maybe a Prelude? You could compose something to go along with it.
  14. What has music come too...........
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