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About khhuynh

  • Birthday 10/06/1990

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  1. Thanks Christopher, Most of the counterpoint was done by ear, so that is probably why they only stuck to a few key notes, but I will focus on what have you assigned and perhaps we can tackle that later. I am a little unsure about what you want from "broad" variations; I have the impression that you want me to develop specific parts of my theme into entirely different pieces. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I apologize for my lack of theory background (it makes it hard to understand what you want). Nonetheless, I will attempt three variations and submit them here, and you can tell me if I'm understanding you correctly. I'm also not sure how long you expect these variations to be, but since I will be writing a set of them I will try to keep them short; enough to flesh out (hopefully) what each piece is supposed to develop.
  2. Free M4a to MP3 Converter I haven't personally tested it, just searched on google and it was the first thing that popped up. Looks like it gets the job done, though.
  3. It's cool, just wondering what's up. Good luck with that. Take your time until you're good and ready.
  4. I am anxious to listen to it but since it can only be downloaded as an .m4a, I can not play it. A streaming link would be appreciated from me, too.
  5. Not to seem pushy (though I probably already am for saying so), but have you had a chance to listen to my piece, Christopher? I have reworked it since I first uploaded it and feel as though the piece is mostly done. It is still lacking dynamic markings, but I have always felt they were best left up to the player rather than the composer. Thanks for your time, Kevin
  6. Haha, sorry to disappoint. I am still practicing myself, because as easy as it sounds it is still kind of hard for me to play, personally. Hopefully I will be able to do a recording. As for better sound samples, I might be able to use Guitar Pro's samples but I had never liked it all that much, which is why I opted for MIDI. If there was some freeware with better samples, I would definitely upload one.
  7. It's an interesting piece, but like Andy said I didn't see it as a trip through an ice castle. Somehow I think of something very fragile, very dark, and very ambient when you say ice castles of Ganymede. This piece sounded very dramatic, very heavy. Sorry I can't say much on the specifics (though if you ever included guitar work I could comment on that, haha). The theme with the bells and drums try to hint at your original title, but I feel as though the rest of the music is too harsh. This can be solved by a simple name-change. :P In any case, it's hard to see what you were intending this for. A movie? A game? Some context would help! Sounds good overall though; no complaints about the music itself.
  8. I see. No I don't use finale (I actually use guitar pro, since I am so used to it). I never thought it made a difference, thanks for the heads up. I usually double-up notes because it is easier on my side, but I will remove them and replace them with rests. I realize that this would probably be read as playing the note twice. Apologies. :)
  9. I forgot to remove the capo from the MIDI. I sometimes change the key around for fun, to hear it a little differently. I noticed it after I put it up, but nice observation. :) The program I use right now isn't very good at transcribing dynamic markings, but I already have some idea.
  10. Hello again, This time I added a little more harmony to the "fill" parts in between the theme. I feel now that the last repeat of the theme is not as strong as it used to be, but I would like your opinions! I also included the tabulature this time, since it can be a little undaunting to sight read. It is certainly playable, I can attest to that, but I can't say I do it very fluidly. I'm sure plenty of guitar students could attempt this piece, though. Once again, comments and critiques are very much appreciated! melody (f).mid melody (f).pdf
  11. Thanks for the comments guys. I do feel it drags a little for the first page, but after some contemplation I think the style of this piece was meant to be more or less rhythmically simple. The piece was a study in modulation, something I haven't been very good at because I tend to over-modulate and make it unplayable. I will try to build/add harmonies to the fill parts, however, in between the modulation. Thanks for the suggestions.
  12. Thanks Christopher. I am already excited. :)
  13. Hi everyone, This is a solo guitar piece I wrote yesterday. It has been a while since I've written music (and even longer still that I finished a song!). It is for solo guitar in F major and relatively simple. I don't have any formal backing in music theory, and have only picked up a little out of experience and experimentation. It doesn't compare to some of the songs I've heard here, but I'm excited to have such a wide range of original compositions to listen to. It's very inspirational and hopefully I will be able to get to know some of you. Hopefully you all will have some critique for me! (edit: updated files attached in post 5)
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