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About trevuar25

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  1. to me it seems less like a battle and more like a build up to a battle, where the armies are marching and then running to finally fight. Very awesome none the less. :)
  2. An RPG, those are my favorite kind of games to write for.
  3. Who pissed in your coffee flint? seriously, the first post of the thread asked a simple question, and you just assume that the OP is whining about melodies in modern music. Remember when you assume, you make an donkey out of U and ME. ;)
  4. You could upload a midi, or if you cannot produce a midi from your music, take a screenshot of your pdf page by page and then post the jpegs. I dont know of any other way depending on what program you are using to write music.
  5. Here's the mp3 This is actually a song for a video game, but I would appreciate any feedback on the direction of the piece. Thank you. -Trevor
  6. what no comments???
  7. my ONLY dislike is the color scheme.... :( very dull
  8. even though as beefy pointed out that the strings are flat, I think the flatness gives it a more "here i am" sound that isnt too dynamic or distracting for that matter. I would prefer to hear more chord changes after u come in with all the instruments, but what you have is pretty much... awesome :) g00d stuff nino :)
  9. @nathan : We'll I only meant that there are a TON of people that I've talked to that bash vista CONSTANTLY without even trying it, heck I was one of those people until I built a new pc that could easily handle vista and a sweet sound card. Personally I don't use/buy Mac because getting the EXACT same specs on a PC is like half the price.
  10. Actually I'm using Vista on my DAW with an awesome soundcard (I have had ZERO problems with vista) People need to stop bashing vista so much, it's WAY more secure than XP. SP 1 on Vista vs SP 1 on XP isnt even a contest !!! If you hate vista than you 1. Probably haven't used it 2. use mac or 3. are just plain ignorant using different OS's You're first problem is that U ARE USING AN INTEGRATED SOUND CARD!!!
  11. Will Host For Food! This is a track I just wrote, I think it's going to be sold on my future music site for Royalty free tracks. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :) -Trevor Lentz
  12. link not working?
  13. I like the motion, good stuff. Not much else to say, could have been a bit darker with a few chromatic changes randomly to emulate his unpredictability/craziness.
  14. Great stuff as usual JAAP = WIN :)
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