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About jaketheamazingsnake

  • Birthday 12/09/1985

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  1. Thank you so much! Adamich, do you also meen the precussive strings "stagatto" or whatever they are called? Gave them the same treatment I gave the other strings (cutoff and rever So I think they're all right now. Also fixed the harp chords in the end. Thanks again you all.
  2. Thanks John! It slipped my mind about the precussive strings. Will fix. As for the panning there is none. I guess that leads on to mastering and leveling and of this I know nothing. Shall have to get help with that if I get to make a movie. Thanks for listening!
  3. hm, what do you think? Is it catchy? Hopefully this will be the end scene and credits score to a movie. man and dog theme
  4. Hi PhRay and Sys 65 I'll show you what I've got. But it's in swedish, yet you can probably get a feel for what I do. A short movie. Music snatched from here and there. No composition, but some music "borrowed" in the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYfmkVOcaAc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSTb9OzKASI Another sort, post apocalyptic tale. This music I made myself and am somewhat pleased. But I'm sure most of you can do better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4zjFfKfFL4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sazZdk_DkaM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i97wwzhujQY&feature=related And Sys 65 I'm afraid it will have to be digital for the most part. However, I have a band at my disposal sometimes (drums, electric bass and guitar) And I'm pretty sure I can manage o get solo instruments if need be to (ex. a violin) to do solo parts, but the foundation will have to be digital for the time being. :) You can also listen to my music here on young composers and see what I like and maybe you can hear if we have a "connection" Nice to hear from you.
  5. Greetings I'm a film maker and in short I'm looking for a composer to connect with. -i give the music a lot of space in my movies. However I'm not situated in Hollywood... yet... :) But I'm working on that. I live in sweden and make swedish movies. I don't make any money yet, though I'm working on that as well, so I can't pay. I'm looking for someone who wants to make music first and money second and who's not yet dependent on income from their music and maybe together we can rise, eh? In the year to come I have 3 movies, 1 minute, 15 minutes and later on 15 minutes again. First one is a mystery/paranormal thriller. Second is a fairytale with a twist like "the princess bride" and the third one is a post apocalyptic horror. All three are english speaking films. I've vacuumed Sweden for a good upcoming composer, but haven't found any. I make some music myself, but I just can't get it right most of the time and I've decided to put it aside and focus on the filming instead. Please get in touch and I'll listen to your work and write you back. I hope you're out there. /Jake Jakob.delaval@gmail.com
  6. very joyful and full of atmosphere , insinuating something strange and comic.
  7. haha. You're a funny guy John. The kiss is there somewhere. There is a lot of caresses and tear-filled eye contact in slowmo in there as well. I used garageband, so I've not done much mixing. There's only four tracks, so not that difficult of a song. Thanks John.
  8. Thanks. I'm glad you like it for what it is. Thing is it should barely be noticable, couldn't really stuff it because of this. Question is... does it sound proffesional?
  9. Well. there is some cold talk in the beginning. - "bla, bla, I have to leave you" - "why?" - "just the way it is baby". Then she grabs his arm and they perform one last kiss. One last kiss...
  10. I hear you John... Have to get a pressure sensitive midi I think. Doing it all manually takes a long time, thanks for clarifying it to me. I'll start working right now. Hope you'll listen to the next version?
  11. Thanks John. What do you mean by sequencing them? Is it they are playing too high/low notes for what they are made for? I hear you on the ending, but I kind of did that on purpose, just wanted to give the song a feel of "what? Oh, you were lisntening, well that's nothing for the tinkgs to come..." Do you get me? Probably not, I don't. Things I've noticed are that many instruments have a too fast attack and release. For instance at 0:27 the sting "emerges", which I like. The horns and other strings do not, which gives me a quite unsatisfying feel. Must have been to lazy to fix this. It does not run smooth all the way. I don't really like the beginning and the transisions between the different parts, except for the quiet part in the middle. Anyone agree, or am I way off?
  12. Can't do much but but admire. Sounds like Amiga but better. Had any inspiration from elwood? Looking forward for a adventurous song from you. If you have one, let me know.
  13. High adventure!Tanks everyone who has commented in the pas few days. I have read all your comments carefully and evolved greatly this past week thanks to you. This is just me fooling around, trying out new things. I really like the theme in this song and hopefully will compose it better and better. Jake's quest
  14. Tried to make a "just piano" theme for a guy to his photography showreel. He rejected it! donkey... He though it sounded synt-like. I can honestly not hear it. Can you? Other from that it is a bit monotone maybe? alte zeit
  15. well... two lovers being torn apart maybe? Or maybe consuming their hopeless love? Just a short peace. jake's agony
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