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About nutrinoland

  • Birthday 08/18/1981

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  1. cool...i'll work on this...thanks...:D
  2. hey Daniel..howz it going... ok I have made the corrections.. Bar 3 - I have changed the chords,so as to avoid 2nd inversion chords and also parallel fifths. Bar 4- I used a different chord here to avoid using a second inversion chord. (F# Dim triad) Bar 7- since i had 'G' in the soprano voice and 'D' in the bass,which implied a G maj second inversion chord,I chose to use an E min 7 chord .I'm not sure if this is correct. Bar 6- The modulation to D Maj continues to stay in D Maj for a little longer since I have changed the next chord from G maj to E min 7 thus forming a I-ii-V-I progression in D maj. not sure if this is correct either...also please could you explain what you mean by "The modulation in bar 6 to D major is a good idea, but you do it too quickly, and then you come back out of D major too quickly " how can i modulate less quickly? This time have i managed to stay in the new key a little longer, before the next key change happens ? I am also not very clear about what the exact difference is between a V/V chord and a modulation . when am i just using a secondary dominant briefly and when am i actually modulating to the new key ? do i require to be in the new key for a longer duration followed by a perfect cadence ,to have modulated to the new key? Last Bar- I have changed the 'B' in the tenor voice to a 'G' so that the F# in the penultimate bar leads up to the root of the key 'G' ...I am guessing that it is fine to not have all three notes of the triad in the final chord ? Thanks...I'm enjoying the lessons...:) Chorale Ex 2 sep 20th.pdf
  3. Thanks..I'll get to work on this.... cool....now i see the mistakes.. great.... i'll make changes and then post a reply...
  4. hi Daniel.. In the last lesson you asked me to find the awkward bits in bar 3,7 and 9. I have attempted to figure it out, but I am still unsure about which bits are awkward.I have explained a little more about where I am stuck, in my previous reply. Could you pls guide me through this bit of the chorale exercise. In the past few weeks I have been working on analyzing some pieces and then trying to use the existing harmonic background/chord progressions to come up with something new. This helps me learn about the structure of the pieces,melody and motifs,chord progressions etc.... I have attached midi files.The two pieces i used are by Vivaldi and Strauss. Please take a look at them when you can.... (probably made a lot of sloppy mistakes in these pieces) thanks....:) Vivaldi variation.mid strauss variation.mid
  5. Hey... ok...I tried to figure it out...I am not able to spot the awkward bits.. Bar 3 - I think that the voice leading from bar 2 to bar 3 is wrong because all the voices are moving in the same direction (similar motion) Bar 7 and 9 - I'm not sure what is awkward here...Is the harmonic progression I used awkward (ii-I-V-I in bar 9-10) ? The voice leading seems fine..is it the Major Sixth gap between the alto and soprano voices in Bar 9 second beat and minor sixth gap between the tenor and alto on the fourth beat ? Please give me some hints,I am not able to figure it out...:( Thank you...
  6. Hey... Howz it going... ok.I have made corrections to the score and attached the pdf .. I have a few questions. - if two voices move from 8ve to fifth or fifth to 8ve in similar motion is this considered wrong and to be avoided like parallel fifths and 8ves. -Is repeating the same chord with a fifth in it ,considered parallel fifths? -The use of second inversion 6/4 chords should be avoided, but On Bar7 beat1, the 5th of the chord is in the bass part 'D' ,and the root in the soprano voice 'G'.Does this mean that the chord is already in second inversion ? There is also a second inversion chord on Bar 4 beat 1.Not sure if this could have been avoided without reworking the previous bars. - what is the biggest interval gap between upper three voices ? is a major sixth allowed ? - what is the biggest leap that a voice can make? Thank you..:) Chorale Ex 2.pdf
  7. great...thanks...i'll get started on this...:)
  8. hello... not too sure if this is how it is supposed to be..hopefully i understood the instructions correctly... thanks.. (trouble on bar 6 again....not able to notate a quarter note and an eighth note together as two voices....it changes both to either a quarter or both to an eighth...so i have put the b and g of the first 2 beats in the trebble clef once again...) Chorale Ex 1 [4 part] rev.pdf
  9. Hey.. no worries... yes i did get carried away and did more than you had asked... :D anyway... i'll get started on this... edit: i'm not too clear on what to do this time... do you mean that i should just fill in the harmonywithout any consideration to voice leading as of now, trying to have all three notes of the triads wherever possible with minimum leaps/jumps ? All the chords in root position where the melody and bass allow it....? anyway...i'm gonna give it a go from what i understand... i'll PM u when i'm done... thanks...
  10. Hey Daniel... ok..so here is what i have done.. I have attached a pdf with the score, a midi piano roll jpeg and a midi file. I had a little trouble with the notation software.I am not too familiar with some of the features.Although I think it turned out ok...little trouble on Bar 6. I am going to order the book you suggested soon.Don't know if i can get it around here so i may have to order it online...I had no luck finding the Ebook version of it...Anyway.. alright..now the explaination of what chords i have used to harmonise the chorale.. Mostly i have stuck to the primary chords to harmonise this piece. Time Sig -4/4 Key Sig - G Maj Bar 1 :- G Maj - G Maj - D Maj - D Maj (I-I-V-V) Bar 2 :- G Maj - G Maj - D Maj (I-I-V) Bar 3 :- C Maj - G Maj - C Maj - G Maj (IV-I-IV-I) Bar 4 :- D Maj - G Maj - D Maj 7 -D Maj (V-I-V-V) Bar 5 :- G Maj (I) [V-I Cadence] Bar 6 :- G Maj - D Maj - A Maj - D Maj (I-V-II-V) [Amaj is V of V secondary dominant] Bar 7 :- G Maj - A Maj - D Maj - G Maj (I-II-V-I) Bar 8 :- G Maj - G Maj - C Maj - G Maj (I-I-IV-I) Bar 9 :- D Maj - G Maj - D Maj (V-I-V) Bar 10 :- Gmaj (I) [V-I Cadence] This Chorale Starts in the key of G Maj and Ends in the key of G major. It does not modulate to another Key. I have attempted to harmonise the chorale and fill in the inner voices wiith proper voice leading to the best of my abilities.I had a few doubts. I was not sure if i could have a unison between any of the parts. In the second bar, the bass note is a B and the Soprano note is a G, a sixth above.This only left me with D, and i had two voices left to fill in.So i had to have the Alto and soprano voices in unison at G and the tenor at D to avoid any crossing of voices..A similar situation occured at bar 6..I hope this is ok.. I have also avoided using any 7th chords untill i am more familiar with rules to resolve such chords.. Thats it ,I guess.... looking forward to your response... Thanks... . Chorale Ex 1 [4 part].pdf Chorale Ex 1 [4 part].mid
  11. I cant really answer your question... but I know that u could use alot of percussion like djembes. Also u could watch this movie calle d'the power of one'..it has some scenes about an african choir....maybe u could get some stylistic tips from it....and the special features on the disc may have something on it about the score... sorry...cant really help you apart from that... good luck...:thumbsup:
  12. ok...great..thanks.... i'll get started on this....
  13. sure.... I'm just reading up some stuff on harmonising chorales.. Tom Pankhurst's ChoraleGUIDE: writing four-part harmony in the style of Bach Chorales If you can suggest some reading material, guidelines before we start, that would be great... thanks
  14. Digidesign Protools is great for recording. I use Fruity loops for midi sequencing and electronic music.. Ableton is good for live sets.
  15. try to get your hands on this book called 'The study of Counterpoint' by Johann Joseph Fux.. it explains in detail 'species counterpoint'..it gradually becomes more complicated through the different species...
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