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Ilya Partas

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About Ilya Partas

  • Birthday 08/03/1994

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  • Biography
    I'm a Chistian)))
  • Location
    Ukraine) Melitopol
  • Occupation
    I'm just learning now...
  • Interests
    Music, drowing, writing, modeling(3ds max))

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  1. Here is video with one of my compositions "Pray" (I sing): or
  2. Hi! Hadas! HAPPY NEW YEAR to You)))) Be always smart, beautifull and kind)...)))))

  3. Hey Ilya! =)

    How are you? I'm terribly sorry I didn't write for so long... I just hate the new website Young Composers has turned into so I didn't log in that much. Not that I had a lot of time to do it...

    Did you finish your Second Violin sonata? I havn't finished a lot of stuff lately... What Happened to the good old website :( oh, well... I'd love to talk ...

  4. Hi, Hadas:)) Remember me? How are U? How is your study? Write the answer if U want. Couse I want to tolk to U) And I'm very sorry for I didnt write to U so a long time. I hadn't a enternet that time... sorry. So, write, when U will be in net)) Well.... bye)))

  5. Yes, it is. The idea of this music - is a victory of light) Even trought this fight, of some "hard" moments. Its always good) I'm glad, that U like this piece :) Thank 4 all 2 all :)))
  6. I was thinking, throw this composition on forum, or not? But my good friend is suggest me to do it, so... this is it, members of the forum, "Heaven Song": Heaven Song.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage :)
  7. Hi, Hadas! Nice name) I think, yes, of couse I had such times, everybody have such times... I don't like my composition only then, when I composed them without emotions, just with methodical reason. But when I put in my peaces all my feelings and emotions, I like then, couse them is like a part of me, of my life and life of peaple, which I love) But it's my way of compose, I can't to create my compositions, when I don't have something to say in this language - Music, and when I don't feel nothing. I mean, maybe you don't like your peaces, couse you didn't put in them your real fellings? Maybe you compose not from your heart, but from your mind? I dont know, couse I didn't heart no one of you compositions. If you don't want to preveiw them here, in forum, maybe will throw them on my e-mail) I realy want to hear them:) Of couse, if you whant) Bye!:) And... my e-mail is ipartas@gmail.com
  8. Hi again, Myrtle Esmeralde!:) It's you'r real name? Sounds good, but a little sad, I think. You know, our life is has to be in horomy. Not to more sadness, not to more happyness. Ofcourse, you right abut a great philosophic of problems of life, couse our experiance is coming with such different tasks, hard-moments of our existence. Anyway, Myrtle, I'm not know you well yet, but I think, that you have to be more happier) Live in hormony, your music will depend from way of your life:) Ou... about songs, mmm... your own language is american? I can help you) Maybe I can compose come lyrics in English for you. Or... if you hate to compose on your own language, you can try to compose on russian!) What you think about it?
  9. :) Good Luck!
  10. Very nice) beautiful begining, I'm like this. Very importent, that the song are combinate whith the title. I too think, that this composition will be beter heard, when it will be with orchestra. About all composition - maybe it will be beter to make more contrast, but anyway, maybe you wanted to make this piece, like a prelude. I'm too allways want to write music without strong difference between themes. Beautiful, tender composition:)
  11. There is the lyrics of two Romanses: Lyrics.doc - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage
  12. What's mean "to post up the score"? I don't understant it) Thanks to all for your review, I'mrealy glad, that you like this music) Hey, you liked the singer? I can show you one more composition with her) But there are 3 more voices with her. It's a quartet, with the name "Legato". Their voices are very combined to each other, and together, they are very tender. Here it is: http://www.box.net/shared/rqds74g90v You beter not to understand the russian words.... It's a joke))) The lyrics just has a patriotical character:)
  13. Hi!) Ha-ha-ha "lubov"!))) You realy know russian language, if you know such nice word, as "lubov" Thank very much for all your words. You know, I'm too very-very like tyhis romenses; today - they are my fawourites) I think, I can to translate the lyrics, but soon, after one-two days) PLease wait.... :) Hey, what mean's your avarat? Look's like somethine sad. Anyway, you don't have to answer:)
  14. Thank 2 all, 4 all:) I'm very glad, that you like my music. Thank for such great praises and remarks. I will take into account) If somebody wants to get a notes of violin sonata, or other compositions of this post, please, just ask, I'm will send it to you with great pleasure)
  15. Yea) It was a little difficult, but in the record - it's not me plaing on piano, it was one teacher of my musical school) And yes, you right about "easy" compose(couse the "genius" in "easy" things), but sometimes, when idea of music can not to be expressed by easy method... you must to work harder. Not allways the music is easy. Thank you) I'm very glad, that you like it) Couse the point of my musical life - "to bring a happiness to people" :) You said, what you are pianist? Maybe you will like this composition: http://www.box.net/shared/5gxaglafm5 It's from my first piano cykl "Face of nature":) (there are 5 compositions more)
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