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About starkyfubbs

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  1. Attached is the score if anyone would like to take a look at it. Feedback is welcome. Thanks all. A Dream Op.1.MUS
  2. Appreciate the responses. I initially was using a MIDI keyboard to input notes into Finale notepad. So Finale decided for me what notation to use (does the program notate considering the context?). But once I started inputting notes by mouse, I encountered this dilemma. Working on the score. Will try and post when finished.
  3. I am notating a piece in Ab major. So the key signature is Bb Eb Ab Db. But I do not know when I should use a double flat or a natural sign. For example, is E natural or Fb correct? How about D natural or Ebb? Similarly, A natural or Bbb? Thanks!
  4. It's been a while since I came up with a finished product. But here is an instrumental track I recently uploaded called "Deadlock." The name of the song is subject to change. Deadlock This is my first attempt to incorporate a drum track into a song. About a year or so ago, I layed down a drum track while experimenting with the composing software. I saved the track with the intention of "using" it someday. It wasn't until many months later that I started the process of composing deadlock. Having the drum track, I first added the harp synth, which is 90% present throughout the song. Then I added other instruments so the song wouldn't seem too repetitive - this was the hard part. I spent a lot of time deciding what melodies to use, how many additional "voices" to add, and the type of instruments. I went through several harmonies before being satisfied with what is now the final product. When composing the song, I had in mind a setting similiar to the last fight scene in Kill Bill Volume 1 (the Bride vs. O-ren). But I would like to hear what you guys think of when you listen the song. So any comments/feedback is much appreciated. Cheers!
  5. I like the intro (0:01) - captures a sense of anxiety and tension - and the transition into your first theme. I really like the theme played by the oboe (?) (0:22), and how you layer on harmonies with other woodwind instruments (0:42). I was a little puzzled when you dropped all instruments, and softly brought in the snare drum (4:22). When I first listened to that section, I thought the song had just finished, only to realize there was still more. Overall I enjoyed listening to your piece. Keep up the good work!
  6. Hello everyone. I am new to these forums, and I would like to share my latest composition with everyone. I wasn't sure in which forum to post this thread, but I decided on incidental music and soundtracks. The piece is titled "Pride." http://www.soundclick.com/util/getplayer.m...937182&q=hi This is my first work that involves an orchestra. I improvised most of the melodies at a piano and then transferred it to a sequencer program. There were times when I struggled with finding and deciding what melody to use. It took about a month to complete. When creating the piece, I wanted to achieve the feel of a dignified march. Any critque/feedback is more than welcome. :thumbsup: You can listen to other works at my soudclick page. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pageartist.cfm?bandID=543234 Feel free to leave messages there too. ;)
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