Illyren Dances-Woolfenden
Lincolnshire Posy-Granger
Folk Dances-Shostakovitch
Overture to Candide- Bernstein
Purge of 1968- Husa
Country Band March-Ives
Variations on America-Ives
Ghost Train-Wildace
Armenian Dances (Part1)-Reed
Rhapsody in Blue-Gershwin
Endurance-Tim Mahr
Puszta-Jan Van der Roost
Gavorkna Fanfare-Jack Stamp
Short Ride in a Fast Machine-Adams
Windsprints- Saucedo
Night On Bald Mountain-Modeste Moussorgsky
First Suite in E Flat for Military Band-Gustav Holst
March from Symphonic Metamorphosis-Paul Hindemith
Ride-Samuel Hazo
Sleep w/Chorus -Eric Whitacre
These are the highlights of what I did in HS. Hope you find something.