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About Aphotic

  • Birthday 08/20/1993

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    Wherever the music takes me.
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  • Interests
    Video Games and Music

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  1. Hmm... Db, F Major A Dorian E, B Minor I guess I'm a communist, but I find E Minor a lot more read-able.
  2. Sweetness. Best of luck of with your job offer! Very colorful... lol Did you record yourself playing [the piano] in this?
  3. It was very pretty, and is perfect for nostalgia... and regarding my first listen to this, I will have to say it was very weird... I had accidentally forgot to turn off my iTunes player... and I wound up listening to this song called "Boga" by a group called Amiina alongside Remembering Friends... Strangely enough, the two go together quite well (starting from the beginning of both of them, and having the box player loop Remembering Friends and continue playing "Boga") But disregarding that... Yes, Remembering Friends is well... I hope your friends remember it well.
  4. I enjoyed it, but not a big fan on the atonality. But oh well. This an interesting composition.
  5. I'll join. Only question is: Does sound quality count? P.S. I'd put another post to say "Thank you" to Morivou, but I don't want to take up more space. lol.
  6. Well if I ever manage to read the score note-for-note and at tempo, I know I'll have become one of the best readers of music the world has ever seen. Otherwise, a very interestingly different piece. I would say I like it, but I've said that to the last 4 pieces I've commented on. I enjoyed it :D
  7. Inspiring. The score is definitely a keeper on my list. So. If Cannon goes boom. And boom goes to a beautiful piano solo at the end. Does that mean Cannon is really leading up to a beautiful piano solo? lol sry. I feel like being stupid atm >.< At any rate. I do really think it was gorgeous. And yes, I know. Can you take that seriously?
  8. Intriguing. I think the song has a good length to it.
  9. Well I seem to imagine: Two roads fighting each other. And then over a very short period of time (30 seconds of the piece?). One road wins. And then it's simply following that one road. And all of the adventures on that path. (Though you did say the paths don't want to diverge, I think they do very early :/) I like it.
  10. So I saw this song called the "Physics Song" while browsing the YC forums. And I'm like: Wth? Who composes for a science class!" And then I open it and I dload the file and listen. I'm like: Hell YEAH!!!! lol Great piece. (with lots of sarcasm) You should really compose for the next Bill Nye. xD
  11. It's beautiful, especially for its instrumentation. A spring day must be a joyful day! I really enjoy how you didn't use a bass, lol (bass is one of my fav instruments, so no bass hate :P). The ending is kinda lame.... but i suppose it would beat a fade out. lol
  12. ooo. I like it very much. Though trying to picture "Life at Midnight" through this is kind of hard. it's too well... "epic" for midnight, lol. However the themes are good.
  13. Very nice. Kinda like above I wish it could build up to something... bigger. lol
  14. I enjoyed it very much. The song had a very "bouncy" feel all around it, except for the end of course.
  15. I honestly. Could not. Come up. With a better. Name. For this. lol I own Finale Printmusic, so I'm kinda limited to 24 staves/tracks (instrumentation is minimal as possible). This is supposed to be a first movement to the actual suite in general. And yeah... I tried to be minimalistic... Apoligize for sound in advance, its using Windows pre-set synths.... so yeah. have fun listening. Especially when all the layers present themselves. Midi: Death'scharge.MID - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage PDF: deathscharge.pdf - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage Comments especially criticism would be very much appreciated/loved :D
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