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About homemoviesbrendan

  • Birthday 03/02/1992

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  • Interests
    concert band, marching band, The Spartans

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  1. I agree more composers should music like we hear in the movies!
  2. I dont like this you should try harder
  3. I use the sharp for when i want angry music and i use flats when i want music to be more melancholy and flat!
  4. I want to talk about my ideas and how this can become a beautioful piece of music
  5. You should listen to eric whitacre, he makes dissonance but it's so beautiful
  6. If beautifyul music doesn't matter than what's the point of life? When i listen to music it impacts me and empowers me and makes me into what Nietzsche called the UBERMENSCH and doing this is all that matters in music. Haven't you heard a song and started to cry? Dissonance only does that like shooting yourself in the heart does.
  7. Do you have any comments on my aria to hel pme
  8. Whats wrong with liking music because it's pretty and it movesy ou? My band director always makes us play the most BEAUTIFUL eric whitacre pieces do you hate him too? Do you know the song October by eric whitacre? It's so pretty it reminds me of the film scores by james horner like in A Clear In Present Danger. Do you know that movie? It stars harrison ford.
  9. Thanks!!!!! i love this progression, so pretty!
  10. maybe but i dunno i think he's very passionate and loving of music. he cried at our last concert because we played so beautifully
  11. my band director always says that the tritone is the most harsh and dissonant interval. whenever we hear a tritone in music people cringe and want it to be over and resolve to a perfect 5th or perfect 4th and to major 3rd. no one thinks tritone and thinks pretty that defies music logic.
  12. i posted this in the lyrics forum so i hope the website administrator does not get angry that i post about it in here too. i'm writing an opera based on the metamorphosis by franz kafka and this is his big tenor aria in the first act or at least the words to it. i dunno what the rest of it is gonna be yet but i added characters, in my opera gregor samsa is in love with a girl named carol but he can not express his undying love because he is now a bug who can not get out of bed. so in the opera gregor as a bug will be singing this opera aria. what do you think so far?
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