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thewritingwriter2010 last won the day on April 27 2011

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About thewritingwriter2010

  • Birthday 01/05/1992

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  1. Jeeze, you mad, bro=P
  2. This started as a piece dedicated to my now ex girlfriend. (Weird how things work out) I'm a freshman at Georgia Southern University, and my comp final was to compose a three minute piece for any platform. So this it what I have. Like I said, it was started because of a girlfriend. And when she broke up with me I was only to the first phrase. The rest is more tense and dissonant, so I basically embodied as much anger as I could without becoming atonal. People have told me it sounds like a movie soundtrack? Let me know. One Last Breath
  3. Wow. This is genius. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I mean, wow. I nearly got a cill when the jazz feeling section came in after the 15/4 bar. And you had my attention from then on. I'm curious as to what program you used. Or is this a live performance, your sounds are incredible.
  4. Hey guys, it's been awhile. Last year, I devoted a piece to Christmas time....with a twist.However, that piece was not so great. So this year I wrote another piece entitled " A Merry Christmas Indeed." I also felt that now is a fitting time to post this work since Halloween is right around the corner.The .pdf and .mp3 file should be posted. I would love if you guys/girls looked at the score and give me things to improve on, and things of that nature. I hope to redeem myself from last years piece with this work. I hope you enjoy "A Merry Christmas Indeed."A Merry Christmas Indeed A Merry Christmas Indeed
  5. My old high school band director ask me to arrange "Baby" by Justin Bieber into a stands tune. I personally am not fond of Justin Bieber at all but agreed to do this out of respect for my music teacher. She's done so much for me, the least I can do is arrange something for her. Baby
  6. Thank you, I would be very grateful if you did.
  7. Dude, the only reason I responded in such a way is because you were being an donkey. It seemed like you were talking down to me, like you assumed I knew nothing.Maybe you were trying to help, but it seemed like you were trying more to insult me then help me. This isn't my first time writing something. Oh, and I would critique your works, but you have none.
  8. Don't "shame shame" me. I'm not stupid. In finale 09 there is no suspended cymbal, otherwise I would have chosen that. I also know the rules of writing percussion; however, I did what I could with the program to get the sound I wanted. If the composer does not specify otherwise on what to hit an instrument with then it is common knowledge that the player would use the "default" beater.
  9. I agree with ParanoidFreak one hundred percent. It definitely has potential and I cannot wait to hear the finished product. Good writing! 10/10
  10. Thank you very much. And yes, I meant soundfonts.
  11. Hello there, I have recently been asked to write a techno intro for a local metal band. I agreed, but cannot seem to find any techno fonts. If anyone could give me an idea of where to get these fonts, or a program that uses them, I would be grateful. Thanks -Patrick W. Smith
  12. Yes actually. I might be having it played by a high school in the next couple of months. Again, thank you sir.
  13. Wow! I love this piece, its incredible. I have no words. Get it performed!
  14. My first official composition.Please, be as critical as possible, as strings are not my primary group. Darkness
  15. I love the way you changed styles completely. Honestly, this could be the most diverse thing you have written. I love the somewhat medieval/arabic sound you have towards the middle. A very nice piece Ben.
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