Sakura, the infamous Japanese folk tune, has long been one of my favorite melodies. Sadly, I'm not particularly fond of any of the pieces I've heard based on that melody, so a few years back, I decided to have a go at my own piece. I'm not really much of a composer (science major, I don't play any instruments, and I usually only write a three-minute sketch once every few months), but I think I got something decent here. I wrote a four-minute fugue-like piece on the melody, rewrote it from scratch, revised it a few times, and got the piece (an eight-minute fugue-like composition) I'm attaching.
My original conception was for it to be a piano piece. However, there are a few measures that are unplayable on piano, and even those that are playable are (from what my pianist friends and acquaintances have related to me) very awkward to play. So, for the past two years, I've just left it as it is: a midi piece.
However, midi has such an unfulfilling sound. The timbres are shallow, there isn't the human element, etc. The problem is (putting aside the fact that I have no connections to any serious musicians) that I have no idea what instruments I should score the piece for. It's in three parts, and each of the parts should sound timbrally very similar.
I was wondering if anyone could suggest potential instrument combinations, or considerations I should take to try to determine what instrument combinations to try. Perhaps, as long as I'm here, any constructive, destructive, or even deconstructive criticisms (about the differance?) of the piece---what I should do to improve it, especially before even considering trying to find real musicians to perform it---that you may have can be offered. I'd appreciate them greatly.
By the way, I apologize that the score is NWC format. I don't have Sibelius or Finale (which seem to be popular here ... and everywhere, for that matter), just NWC.