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About truburn

  • Birthday 07/04/1989

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  • Location
    Ottawa, Onttario, Canada
  • Interests
    Music, Composing, Rugby

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  1. oh white note now i get it. sorry i just looked in a music dictionary to find out if it was like a movement in 21st century music. well since i got smacked in the last post about saying stuff i'll give a little synopsis here. I wrote this piece thinking of repeated rhythms and perfect fifths. one thing i realise now is that the intervals in the "melodies" aren't related in terms of fifths. anyways as it should be apparent every 4 bars one voice changes its repeated pattern. the whole piece doesnt follow this rule, in some sections two or three voices stop at the same time. i hope it's apparent that i'm a big fan of minimalism. but one thing i do notice about my own music is that i don't exactly pertain to the minimalism rules or at least whats common in popular minimalist music.
  2. sorry i don't discribe alot about it only because what i say is usually contradicted by my teacher or the critic. what i did was make a time signature pattern and then every time the pattern reset one of the instruments would change its repeated phrase. so every 4 patterns each instrument would change the phrase but none of the instruments change pattern at the same time. sorry im using the same word to describe 2 things. i'm certain because of the time signature changes you'd need a conductor. the reason it's not in 4/4 is because 4/4 give a consistent accent on beat 1 but the change of the time signature screws up the beat 1 of 4 accent. i also forgot to mention that when the bass clarinet or bassoon has 16ths on a single note that they can take a beat rest at any time for breathing however many times they require as long as they do not breath at the same time
  3. again not much to say. almost no dynamics but i'll fix that up later. anyways here it is fives.MID fives.MUS
  4. i dont have much to say so here it is i'm pretty sure this would need a conductor because of the consistent change in time signature. the dynamics aren't done at all but everything else is just about right. 123454321.MUS 123454321.MID
  5. Ok so this is a piece for Strings (no double bass), Harp, CA, Clar, and Bassoon. It's taken me about 3 weeks to get all of this down. It isn't finished. I'm not where form-wise i'm going with this. No title yet. Probably one of my best works so far. I'd appreciate feedback if you can spare the time... Mrs._Hheloooo.MUS Mrs.MID
  6. HAHAHAH very enjoyable great stuff, yea i'd like to hear you sing the fast bit
  7. hahah it has that kind of old american them thing going on. quite enjoyable
  8. Just a reply to the first post there: Im not being combatative at all.... THe score is in concert pitch so teh bass can play it because it is written an octave lower than it sounds. This isn't in a form per say, it is random because im trying to put what was written in the book into the music. The long note the violin plays is the bell that doesnt stop wringing. unless the one note that keeps droning is a midi problem.
  9. Luckily C.S. Lewis is very descriptive in his writing. Unfortunately, the midi doesn't play what i wanted it to for the first few bars; thus you hear a log drone being played for 12 bars. Take note its supposed to be people breathing into their instruments for a wind sound. okok now i listen to the midi; the gong is replaced by a tin can. whatever ill see if i can make a pdf of the score, but here it is, probably one of my favs of my own stuff The_Deplorable_World.MID Finale_2006____The_Deplorable_World.pdf
  10. Here's another piece i have in storage. Seems pretty intense at the beggining but settles down at the end OBOE_PIECE.MID
  11. looks like Eflat major
  12. Something i've had sitting on me for a little while. Pretty simple stuff, just playing with melodic variations. I think the midi loses a bit of the translation, who cares anyways here it is walking.MID
  13. according to my computer your in A minor. watch the rests. I'm picky with rest but its hard for performers to understand how to count. You have alot of dotted quarters in violin 1 - have it in 6/8 or change the written rhythm to quarter tied to eighth, eighth tied to quarter. good for an hours work Andrew
  14. truburn

    Piano solo

    This has no title its called "music night" only because i wrote it the night i had a performance. Not really contemporary classical i must doubtfully say (although my sence of contemporary classical is throwing a book around a room and yelling). This is almost like popular music but with modern thrown in. I enjoyed writing it however you may notice a difference of character in the middle fo the piece - thats cause i wrote the piece in two days. for me the second day is usually different thought-wise so i can never get it exactly the way i wanted it to sound the first day. Does that last sentence make sense? whatever, here it is Requiem Aeternam.MUS MUSICNIGHT.MID
  15. Most of the critisicm so far has been about format of the music. which was acurate no doubt about that. But i noticed alot of mistakes in the theory part of your finale score. is this the same version you use at home or did you convert it from something else. All i noticed was that in the parts for winds; you have and eighth note then a quarter note then a half rest then another eighth note. Writing the half rest isn't correct. I notcied many theoretical errors in the piece asociated with rest. That could just e a converter problem though. I noticed no dynamics aside from instant ones. you write in classical style where back then they had P MP MF or F. They didnt however have ppppp of fffff or fff or fffffffffffffffffffff of pppppppppppppp (exagurating). If your trying to play in a style it has to be in that style in everyway not just part. Also use cresc. and decres. or it will be harder to perform. I wouldn't call it mozart style. Classical style is more fitting. I'm not saying i didnt enjoy it, but i am saying it could be more enjoyable Andrew Burn
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