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About Defectnoise

  • Birthday 05/30/1992

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    It's probably easier just to ask
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    Cranford (London)
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    Music, books, walking around for no reason

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  1. I agree that the piece could use a bit more bass, but other than that it's a solid track!
  2. The skipping record at the end was a beautiful moment haha. I haven't laughed that much in days. Thank you for that!
  3. Cheers for the feedback! I forgot to mention, there is a vinyl crackle sample which is probably the hiss you're referring to. I think the file format doesn't help, I had to convert the original uncompressed track to a compressed format to upload it to the site, and the difference between the two is remarkable... I'll check what's going on with the drum lines. The wind part was interesting, I was trying to emulate some of the idea in noise music so I used EQ on a white noise generator, but instead of cutting frequencies I accentuated them. I guess this was more of an aesthetic decision.
  4. An electronic piece that changes style over time.It begins with strings layers in a quasi-ambient style, before the first set of electronics kick in. The second half of the piece also begins in a ambient manner, and builds up to its climax before the whole thing fades into noise.I wanted to throw in a whole load of my influences, and you can head particular composers reflected in particular instruments (the arpeggios are Muse influence, the climax has an element of 65daysofstatic and so on). One Day This Will All Come Back On You
  5. Hey SYS65, thanks for the advice. I'll see what I can make of it with your suggestions =] I used some software called MAGIX to do this. It's not the best software but it was cheap and I can't afford a decent sequencer at the moment.
  6. Really well constructed piece - love the delay on the harp, it really captures the dream-like effect. There are a lot of parts playing together but it dosen't feel clustered, which shows it's been thought out well. The piano sounds are maybe a little harsh compared with the rest of the sounds, but musically it's fantastic.
  7. I really like this piece. You can really feel the emotional journey, not just from the harmony but form the choice of timbre in each section. Movement 1 seems to have a very longing/desperate quality to it, and it has some really lovely melodic lines in the winds. The string passage at the beginning of movement 2 is very effective. I wasn't too convinced by the ending of the 3rd movement, it seemed a bit abrupt. It might be because of the recording, but I'm not entirely sure what you were trying to get across there. I think that the last chord needs to be a bit longer, as well as the piccolo note, neither really has time to assert itself. Other than that it's a very strong piece.
  8. Thanks for all the comments! @jrcramer: It isn't meant to really be a chamber work, it's just that I couldn't really find a better way of describing the instrumentation. It is meant to be a more popsong like piece than a classical style.
  9. It's got quite an unsettling atmosphere. I think the concrete sounds are a bit overpowering in the second section, when the keyboard sounds are coming in. I think it's structured well, and I disagree about the cluster being heard too early, because the cluster which transitions into the second second is distinctly different. It feels like preperation, so the sections link together quite nicely. It's a very good piece!
  10. Introduction piece which leads into a song. Not really a chamber piece, but it was difficult to find the right category for it.Based around an 8-bar piano motif which is repeated throughout. With each repeat, the piece becomes more layered and dissonant, before allowing the solo piano to finish the peice off. Æther (Prelude)
  11. Dance-esque piece with glitch drums Firedancers
  12. Space-synth style piece The Humanity Cycle
  13. Ah I got this album on Monday. Exogenesis is a fantastic piece of work! It's great to see how they put classical influences in most of their music. Even in songs like I Belong To You where they just put an extract from Saint-Sa
  14. I have to say I was impressed, especially for someone your age. There were some really great melodies and harmonies. I don't really listen to atonal music, so I found some parts a bit strange. But overall, i enjoyed the piece.
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