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  1. It's great if you get the balance right, it does have some lovely melodies.
  2. Bullshit, the Villa Lobos is actually quite nice in my opinion. And Segovia did a lot of questionable things. As to amplification, it really depends on your viewpoint. In most concert halls, it's simply necessary in order to give the audience an enjoyable listening experience - every professional guitarist playing in a moderate to large concert hall would most likely use amplification unless the orchestra is particularly small. The guitar comes across particularly well recorded or on film where the balance is not artifically loud, it just feels like you're sitting right close to the guitar. I recently performed Rodrigo's Fantasia para un gentilhombre on BBC 2 and was miked up for that (although not hugely, it's a small orchestra, not much brass or woodwind). The key is in the orchestration, really.
  3. I'll try playing it, I'm a fairly good guitarist after all!
  4. um hello chief you want just the melody? as in, absolutely NO harmonisation? surely the only possible solutions are to split the melody up and have alternating instrumentations or to play it as a canon.
  5. Even more new stuff, plus 30 seconds of a directly proceeding fast movement (Presto). www.speaking-guitar.com/music/slowmove.mp3
  6. and I've studied your mum. Intimately.
  7. yeah, I know what you mean. I think there's partly a feeling that once I've struck something that works, it's far easier to keep treading that path rather than risk creating something less successful in developing it. Interestingly I don't really listen to Barber at all - I just said that because it was an Adagio for Strings which also happens to be the name of his most famous work.
  8. and I like the way a tennis ball hitting a racquet sounds. Does that make a recording of a tennis match a composition? Good question actually. It's not about technique or prowess. Mussorgsky was self-reportedly technically lacking but he still created some very meaningful and resonant music which has survived in popularity much longer than figures such as Salieri who were techinically adept and taught many greats such as Liszt I believe.
  9. putting a link in one's signature more like having a signature more like do I really need to have a boring quote and a link 20 times in one thread
  10. GUYS I CAN PLAY ARPEGGIOS IN A COHERANT SEQUENCE THE BEAUTY COMES THROUGH THE INTERPRETATION just like twinkle twinkle little star. sorry, this is mostly in jest. But like all comedy there's an element of truth!
  11. a) get it played with a real band at least, the midi really does it no justice. Even a real guitar would help 100%. b) someone's been listening to the LotR soundtrack. c) it's highly competant as far as this "genre" of music goes but I must question the desire to marry an orchestra to heavy metal. It's awfully clichéd and has a history of serving very little purpose. Now if it was all experimental and the band and the orchestra interacted more then it might be more interesting, but from what I can see, it's basically just savouring the POWER of having an orchestra accompany the band. Just for the sake of being EPIC, or that's of what it smacks to me. Anyway, I guess if you like this stuff then fair enough, and it is well done. I'll just never be a fan. It's not like a cross between classical and rock, it's just rock with extra (and unnecessary in my view) forces.
  12. Adagio for Strings (not lol Barber)
  13. OH HELP I ADDED A MIDDLE SECTION does anyone have anything to say? slow3.sib
  14. it's quite nice, and I think that section works alright. Sorry I can't give more comments atm, I'm rather tired! Perhaps tomorrow I'll listen again. Is there a score I can look at?
  15. I mean that it is unfortunate that anyone who claims "Legend of Japanophile this" or "Super Adventure of my Childhood Memory that" has the best music is incorrect!
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