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About xzzap

  • Birthday 04/29/1990

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    winking tigr
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    i am not a very detailed person.
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  • Occupation
    i rock out. and study.
  • Interests
    building things. writing music for classical instruments. writing music and words for my band.

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  1. Hi everybody. It's been a really long time since I've logged in here, so I doubt I'll be remembered by anybody. That being said, I should probably re-introduce myself. My name is Niko (male), and I'm an 18y.o. high school senior in california. I've been composing since I was 13, generally in the genre of cinematic and contemporary classical music. The reason I'm posting all this here is because I recently started writing some electronic dance music, and I want to get the opinions of people who actually know what they're talking about music-wise. Anyway. Here's a link to what I wrote. Feel free to bash it, or dance to it, or whatever. Viral Culture - ReverbNation Viral Culture on Myspace I've been working off of the instruments that came installed with my DAW, so the actual synth sounds are not quite what I'd like them to be. Any suggestions as to what soft-synths would sound good? I don't know if anybody is really into mainstream electronic music, but if you are, don't hesitate to email me or chat with me. xzzap@yahoo.com AIM: Frangiblenut
  2. Two songs I heard on the radio when i was maybe about thirteen prompted me to start composing. these were Right Here Waiting (how embarrassing) and the remake of the tears for fears song "mad world." I heard the piano part for Right Here Waiting, and I realized that the left hand was playing a 5th and a 4th starting on a low note, and though i hadn't studied piano for several years, i decided to sit down and learn how to play the main theme of that song. i figured it out in C Major (i don't actually remember what key the song is really in) and i had a revelation: "i could write something like this." by playing around, I discovered that the 5th-4th pattern could be moved around and corresponded with different chords. from that point onward i taught myself (with my school music teacher explaining the technical terms for what i had discovered) the relationships between chords, inversions, basslines, passing tones, etc. (i think my interest was initially driven by the attention i got when people realized that i had written my own music.) Each time i discover something new, i apply it to my own writing. needless to say, i try to listen to and analyze a huge variety of music. The more I learn, the harder it is for me to find music that i need to figure out
  3. I'm quite impressed with the quality of the recording in this jam (and the playing). I for one would be happy to pay to rock out to this live. if you don't mind i offer a few compliments and criticisms *the central chord progression begins to grate on me before your changes to other progressions occur. (doesn't your rhythm guitarist get bored?) *I love the seamless transition between the keyboard lead section into the guitar lead section. *the unrelenting sizzling hi hat in the makes it feel a little muddy at at parts. *Toward the the drummer does a bit of stop-and-go on the high hat, which brings attention to the muddiness i was talking about. *This song seems like it was constructed to be incredibly fun to play, but always keep in mind that the music that is most entertaining for you to play, or for people to see live, might not be the most entertaining to listen to recorded. *i would love to hear this on a tv commercial or a video montage of, say, extreme sports footage or something. -niko
  4. lols hey thanks for the input about the cello part i'm going to develop it further to make it more interesting to play... maybe something that will enhance the forward motion of the piece to make up for the simple chord progression.
  5. here's an updated version... still not done, though it should give you a taste of the b section. TRIO.MID
  6. yeah... it does sound a little movie-ish, but that can't be a bad thing. it would go perfectly with a first person view of skimming over water, or flying... might call it "flight"... hmm... i'm working on the second section right now, so expect an update maybe later today
  7. thanks i changed that b sharp... the bass part is being played by cello, i'm using finale printmusic, i think it might have gotten changed when i saved it as a midi file :blink: is there any way to change the name of a thread once it has been posted, or do i need to start a new one?
  8. tell me what you think. this is an unfinished work TRIO.MID
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