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CK the Fat

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  1. I do use more than two chords, it's probably that the ones you hear are the easiest to hear. The chord variations happen mostly in the "verses". Though I certainly could use a bit more practice writing with theory in mind.
  2. Mostly the same, yes. The violen typically has the lead, switching off with the flute.
  3. Thanks! I use FL Studio 6.0 with Garritan Personal Orchestra as a plugin. It's a good program if you're writing electronica or techno music in, but if you want chamber, piano, orchestral, etc you'll probably want Finale.
  4. Nice intro, very airy and a bit creepy. In the middle with the distorted voice (not sure if that's what it is), the sound becomes a bit shrill and piercing. Other than that, no real complaints. Good piece overall. Very ambiant-like.
  5. The sound quality was kind of weird, like an overactive gameboy or something, but the song itself was neat.
  6. Here is another new age piece for my upcoming CD release (hopefully) called Boundless. There is a synthesized voice, saying "Dreams of the dreamer knows no bounds," which give the song its name. It took my about a week to finish this song, and I haven't done any "polishing" yet... which is why I'm posting it here now, for help. As usual, no major structure... you'll hear me use two themes several times, adding in some steel drums near the end. There are also two "breaks" in the piece with different feels to them. As this song is still in early draft, any comments or guidance will be greatly appreciated. Start Player
  7. Ambivalent Traveler is another relatively expressionate piano piece, with some harp, some strings, electronic backgrounds, etc. The idea is that there is a wanderer who doesn't know what to do or what choices to make and lets life push him or her where it may. Take notice of the "inconclusive" ending. No major techniques used... a bit of syncopation to do some basic rythems, some trills... hardly techniques. It took several days to finish it and another to "polish" it, although the polished version isn't uploaded since it's too large as a .wav. Start Player
  8. Great job. Perhaps this piece would benefit from a calm middle section or something to give this piece a more diverse feel overall. It sounds like piece should come to a climate end. As it is now, it just seems to hit the end of the line and immediately stop. Overall, awesome piece. The sound matches the subject well.
  9. The link must be down...
  10. Quite nice. Sounds a bit LOTRish. Not much else to say. Maybe add more reverb onto the voice and strings.
  11. Nice work! I can definitely imagine this as a kind of city-like vg music. Due to the slight Asian sound, perhaps an rpg in china or some other oriental land. I do think the first half is better. The second bit doesn't seem to fit into the theme at all for a while. Maybe you could break it up into 2 seperate pieces.
  12. Here is a piece I've worked on for a few days and just finished tonight. The basic idea is supposed to be someone getting over something stressful in life like a breakup, tragedy, you name it, so it's a bit joyful and progressive. And a bit repetitive. The structure is fairly simple. Soundscape intro, solo strings, chorus, "verse," chorus, verse, verse, chorus, solo string mood, return to chorus, sudden ending. It's structured quite a bit like my earlier piece Voluble Lullaby, for those of who heard it. SoundClick song info: Moving Along by New Era Orchestra - Song info page with free MP3 music downloads To clarify, this piece, like most of my others, is a raw v1.0. I plan on polishing it up with dynamics and stuff, as well as more creative drums, smoother sounds, etc. And I don't like the ending, I may just scrap it and end with a fadeout, or maybe fade-down. Ultimately the song will end up on my CD for my "band" New Era Orchestra, www.myspace.com/neweraorchestra
  13. As has been said earlier, very repetitive. It has a simple theme, but it feels a bit undeveloped. If you develop it further into a climatic middle section rather than play one pattern over and over you could add to its interest and melodic factor.
  14. Sytrus is one of those plugins you only get with the $400 edition or unless you buy them seperately. I got mine for only $60 since they were having some sort of sale; usually sytrus costs a lot more.
  15. Cursed lofi... Nice tune. I like the melancholy sound to it, it certainly is fitting to the title. The woodwind (I think) doesn't sound so great with lo-fi, so I'm not sure how it's supposed to go. Are you using plugins, or are those all stock FL 7 sounds? I only have FL 6 and don't want to upgrade just yet.
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