Congratulations everyone! Good work.
Now that the competition is over, I feel safer about editing the description of my entry (I wrote it ~2:00am ct initially, right before the submission deadline. ;) ) Here it is, as appearing at CrazyLeaf Games:
The song depicts two opposing carriers beginning at a face off, then launching their fighters to fight over the distances of space. A dramatic pause follows a successful bombing run on the enemy carrier, resulting in the following victory presentation.
There are three basic motifs: the carrier face off (:04, 4:35), the dia ire motif (1:22), and the tritone jump (first at 0:33). There's a variation on each of the motifs appearing throughout, including a heavily modified tritone jump motif (2:32, 4:07, 5:35).
I will be working on this song until I finish it, then orchestrate it. There's just some things you can't do musically on a piano. :) Again, excellent job everyone!