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About Narator-Lazareus

  • Birthday 06/19/1987

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  • Location
    Orlando, FL
  • Interests
    Previously Hip Hop, now orchestra!!!!!<br />Movie music-soundtracks!<br />Computer Music still, but i want to upgrade, because i am not a real musician-i do want to become one. <br /><br />SERBIA

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  1. Very interesting Monkeysinfezzes! I could relate to your stand point, but i will not check the Media ventures team right off. When it comes to muisc, and especially music in the movie -it is portrayed to provide emotion and add a parallel story. If you go into psychoacoustic, you will understand the angle from which Hans zimmer operates. He choses certain frequencies that subconcesly derive certain feelings from our inner self. It is music with rots of science. The one remark i do have to made on your last thread is that hating somebody and something is a bad thing. imagine if everybody was doing what john williams and Howad shore are doing. It would not be interesting. By the way, i consider Harry Gregson-williams in the rank with john williams. also Klaus Bedelt-He is a Pirate-masterpiece.
  2. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh.. for mother russia. Rimsky, because mostly i have heard his works.
  3. Very true, Giselle! But today is so hard to find a person who would compete with you just for fun and for better music. now music is business. I always like to point out a movie line for everything. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs at the moment when Steve finds out that bill stole their stuff while working under them.(movie : Pirattes of the Silicon Valley") Steve Jobs:.....But we are better! Bill Gates:(cynical laugh) It does not matter! The better businessman you are the more of your music will be on air. I love hearing a CD, specially soundtrack, and then going to ACID PRO, or Adobe Audition, or Sound Forge, muting the sound and saving a version of the movie without any music. Like a battle scene for lord of the rings. I was making myself do something better. And maybe i did, probably not, but i was satisfied with myself, an except my girl and me noone has sen it. And i bet with that music a high budget movie could be scored. But no. I am a poor salesman, and unfortunaly my music will suffer because of that. I do music because music makes me feel better.
  4. Dear PianoMangidley, I am glad that someone posted this topic. I have noticed this phenomena for a fact, moslty because of myself. I grew up in Serbia in the real ghetto and 2Pac, Ice Cube were like Gods to me, due to their rebelation spirit. As a teenager i used to go through different phases. I started listening to Backstreet Boys(my sister hooked me up), than i foound out about Metallica and i was going crazy and my little brothers friend showed me a tape of eminem and ofcourse i started listening. I was so called underground and i despised Mainstream, i hated those rappers that lyrically were the bottom of a pitt. But, if you actually look at the words and the ability to pronounce them, give enough pause between bars, and just make it interesting is actually better than writing deep lyrics to look smart and that noone can understand you. Also, it is very true that ill rather listen to the whole orchestra than a quartet, trio or maybe a solo instrument. why is that? Again, todays music, which basically is 10 seconds of music streched over five minutes in looping. That is why i look for a great melody, and a hit sound. Lately i have been training my ear to stay further away from that hearing factor so i can enjoy in different aspects of music. I have started to pay attention to the combiantion of instruments, timbre, rhytm, diffrent melody lines(counterpoint) and many other things. OH YEA!!! the most important thing. Today, everything is about money. But i think forced music is not really good music. I would not like to be forced to make a beat on a spot in front of the artist. (HIPHOP)...But i would like to look at the movie, get inspired and sit down and write some music.
  5. I bought also David Lucas Relative and Perfect, but my stupid ear did not open. I eventually returned it and i am not sorry. i beliave that you need a lot of commitment to the course. Ofcourse in the begining i had it, but he said just to listen without straining and eventually that music and him talking would drive me to sleep. Stupid ear, and my stupid attention span.
  6. Could anyone post a preferable tracklist. Basically i want to found out, if i am missing some important scores. thanks
  7. Good Afternoon fellow composers, I was thinking this morning while looking to buy some soundtracks. some of them i bought for just one song, and that is not so economical. So if you had to put your soundtrack with the best of the best, what would you put? What song would you put in it? which songs would go into it? In order to make it the best soundtrack ever!!!
  8. Klaus Badelt- Hes a Pirate Pirates of Caribbean
  9. Yes, i beliave you were right about the movie. just Hans zimmer did not compose it. i beliave that Klaus Badelt composed it. thanks...
  10. Hey Fellow composers, Long time no talk. this time i am back to ask you for another favor. It seems like if i am only asking here. This is the video. UCF Video from 2005, with an amazing composition in the background. I fell in love with its intense structure and magnificent timbre. 1) Who is the composer? 2) What is the name of the composition? 3) Where does it come from? Plus if anyone has a MP3 version, please post it or send it to me via e-mail. deanmilenkovic@fullsail.edu or narator@bellsouth.net Thank you, Dean Milenkovic
  11. Notion has been a part of my composing since my day 1. I used sibelius , finale, some Mozart stuff but this is the easiest and the best software out there. when it comes to sounds i mean. finale is way better in possibilities but you can really hard achieve that realistic sound. Well, i have been offered a great deal. $399 dollars for a Notion sftware, 200$ of savings. Isnt that cool? But i have it already. If anyone wants me to buy it for them, it will only cost you that price plus the shipping, and then we can work together. there is almost no one that i know that uses Notion, so i want a budy.
  12. OOOh, i thought there was more to it. i guess i could be doing better if i stop overthinking everything and just understand.
  13. Thank you very much for the definitions, they really did help!! I did look it up online but everything has to do with the counterpoint , but nothing defined it actually. I loked the definition but it was not so clear. I am one of those people that leanrs the best on practical examples... Also what is the concert pitch?
  14. I have found plenty of books relating to this matter, but the question that i have been asking is what is the content of the book? By definition what is counterpoint?
  15. I beg off you. I own a copy of Principles of Orchestration by Korsakov and a Music Theory Book, and i have visited on Northernsounds forum, the Garritan online version of the first mentioned books. i have noticed that on this forum there are many knowledgeble composers and that, suprisingly, ready to help. So i have two major questions that always awake in my head, and i can not get them to stick in it. What is COUNTERPOINT? The difference between concert pitch and the other one?(lol) I know that orchestration is very torturing to learn and study, as i have read in one topic, and it really is to me, so i would appreciate anyone who is willing to make this clear to me. Thank you.
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