Dear PianoMangidley,
I am glad that someone posted this topic. I have noticed this phenomena for a fact, moslty because of myself. I grew up in Serbia in the real ghetto and 2Pac, Ice Cube were like Gods to me, due to their rebelation spirit. As a teenager i used to go through different phases. I started listening to Backstreet Boys(my sister hooked me up), than i foound out about Metallica and i was going crazy and my little brothers friend showed me a tape of eminem and ofcourse i started listening.
I was so called underground and i despised Mainstream, i hated those rappers that lyrically were the bottom of a pitt. But, if you actually look at the words and the ability to pronounce them, give enough pause between bars, and just make it interesting is actually better than writing deep lyrics to look smart and that noone can understand you.
Also, it is very true that ill rather listen to the whole orchestra than a quartet, trio or maybe a solo instrument. why is that?
Again, todays music, which basically is 10 seconds of music streched over five minutes in looping. That is why i look for a great melody, and a hit sound. Lately i have been training my ear to stay further away from that hearing factor so i can enjoy in different aspects of music.
I have started to pay attention to the combiantion of instruments, timbre, rhytm, diffrent melody lines(counterpoint) and many other things.
OH YEA!!! the most important thing. Today, everything is about money. But i think forced music is not really good music. I would not like to be forced to make a beat on a spot in front of the artist. (HIPHOP)...But i would like to look at the movie, get inspired and sit down and write some music.