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  1. You already know how much I like this, and my thoughts on it so far So I'm just going to say Great Piece! Thankyou for sharing
  2. Start of string quartet Would be great to get feedback on the material thats been written so far. ^_^
  3. I disagree with JCramer about the ending, I personally liked the unresolved nature of it, if you were singing it live you could have a lot of play with how to finish that final phrase. Not too sure about some of the harmonies going on, there was a sense of conflict in the piece between the obviously beautiful harmonies and the ones which grated. Although perhaps live this would create really interesting sound world. Nice soprano part, you've obviously thought about how to write for voice in a way which makes it comfortable for someone to sing. I think the best thing about this piece is that I felt transported somewhere else, I wasn't listening to the music technically I was involved in it emotionally. Sophie.
  4. Liked! Love the ideas in these movements, although in parts I was feeling a bit fidgety (I think these needs to be more of a cohesive phrase for the listener to grab hold of), the overall ideas and interplay within the instruments was fantastic. Great sound world, the syncopation in the piano, kept the momentum throughout the first movement, and so nice to hear the tri-tone without being reminded of west side story! Beautiful second movement, although I felt the piano line could have had some more variation. You've managed to create a completely different colour world, between the first and second movement, but still keep the ideas coherent between the two. I would love to play the flute line in the Final Movement, it allows for so much expression. Great use of dynamics, with very wide intervals and very small repeated intervals. I have nothing terrible to say about any of the movements, thankyou for sharing this! Sophie.
  5. Start of ideas for a new string piece, I think I'll probably write it as a String Quartet, but may possibly end up as a Violin and Cello duet. Would be great if you could give me an opinion on the material so far, and thoughts on which ensemble to score it for :) And also start of Piano (string) Quintet, any feedback on this would be fantastic. Sophie
  6. Hopefully if this works well, we could try and get more projects like this going :)
  7. Reminds me a little of the love for three oranges. I like the idea, but think that you would get it accross better if the chords in the right hand of the first piano were more open, for me there needs to be better note spacing, I think if you really thought about the texture and colour of the chords you were using you'd have a far more exciting piece of music. At the moment it feels slightly childish in the first piano, and well crafted in the second. So yeah my comment would be that the first piano lets down the second piano. Overall, I think its a fantastic concept, and with a little working into could become a fantastic piece.
  8. Would be happy to sing the soprano part(s), could have a go at the alto, stays in the low range a little too much for where my voice sits, but I'm sure it would be fine :)
  9. For Choral work, soprano and alto (would prefer soprano, but will sing both if needed) other instruments for recording flute (piccolo and alto) / piano / violin sounds like a great project
  10. I've just finished auditioning for the royal academy of music, you will have to learn piano if you attend. They do ask undergraduates to prepare a short piece of piano music that shows their standard of playing, in the audition. Apart from that you're expected to be able to improvise freely on the piano around a set chord progression. Listen / recognise / analyse 12 pieces of of music Give an indepth analysis of a score Sit an exam which contains questions asking you to complete a composition exercise, analyse a short score, and write an essay. But apart from all of that, the interview itself was lovely, the teachers really wanted to engage with you as a person and a composer, and obviously are passionate about writing music and teaching music. And despite everything they make you do, I don't think that its the most important part of the audition, they are fundamentally going to judge you on your compositions, but by doing all the tests they're making sure you would be able to cope with the program of study. Sorry for the long post, hope its helped :S
  11. Well this isn't a technical problem as such. Why is everyone referred to as "his" There are many female composers on this site, It would be nice if we could choose to be called "her" or have neither gender mentioned. There's enough sexism in music (especially composition) it doesn't need to occur on this site as well.
  12. Thought that this might be of interest to people. For more details, and to apply visit the LSO website http://lso.co.uk/get...alent/composing Sophie. Deadline: Wednesday 5 January 2011
  13. one of my pieces disappeared !!!! silly new website
  14. Sofie


    I like the sense of unease in this piece, the leaps between the notes work nicely. There's also enough interest in the note lengths. I think you've managed to get a lovely sense of space between the instruments, I can hear the tune throughout the canon. I think the trouble with music that is based on a tone row is that sometimes it can feel as if its lost a sense of purpose, which I felt in bar 40 and for about 10 bars after that. But it regains it for me personally with the downward runs in bar 53. The contrast between the slightly uneasy first section and the calmer second section is great, I love the push and pull between moving downwards and moving upwards, keeps the piece sounding very open. I think if you had real performers playing it you'd get a really lovely sense of phrasing and line, which sadly the computer generated sounds miss.
  15. Well the haunting cat is not very scary, hunting would have been a better title! I love the continuous upwards movement followed by a downwards one, reminds me slightly of Joplins work in the imagery it creates. But I do agree with the lack of an ending, I think you could really have fun with the ending, does he slip up and show sadness or anger, do the birds laugh at him. So many possibilities. And so much fun with the writing that could happen? Do you think you'll update the ending ?
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