Venus Transiens is my first piece for solo voice. After completing a variety of choral works, I wanted to focus on melodic writing. The imagist text by Amy Lowell compares the beauty of a woman to Botticelli’s famous painting, The Birth of Venus. Lowell utilizes the painting and her own imagery to create an aura of ecstasy and sublime beauty, sentiments I sought to capture in this piece.Text:Tell me,Was Venus more beautifulThan you are,When she stoppedThe crinkled waves, Drifting shorewardOn her plaited shell?Was Botticelli’s visionFairer than mine;And were the pointed rosebuds He tossed his ladyOf better worthThan the words I blow about youTo cover your too great lovelinessAs with a gauzeOf misted silver?For me,You stand poisedIn the blue and buoyant air,Cinctured by bright winds, Treading the sunlight.And the waves which precede youRipple and stirThe sands at my feet.
Venus Transiens (Soprano and Organ) Studio Recording