I think the fact of the matter is that we do not understand each others points of view.
I write music the way that I live my life. I try new things everyday almost, I go with what feels natural without betraying myself, my Lord Jesus or my loved ones, and I wish to do it all in a glorifying and fulfilling manner to everyone involved directly. I do this in music by putting much time and energy into what I do, and try to do something new. Fact is, sonata form and the like didn't come in the ten commandments or anything like that, and therefore isn't the most timeless and enduring concept. Though they are very very good ideas, and you can learn a lot about the structure of music from them, there are many problems with the Classical, and even romantic ways of doing things, like there are with anything:
Most old forms, particularly sonata form, are formuliac.
~~often with classical music a well listened person will be able to tell, not which note, but which part will come next. Often times what compsoers are considered the greatest thwart most of that notion. Beethoven's 9th, for example, has movements ''out of order''. Fact is, no one really cares as long as it's beautiful or well done. So, if you really have the chops you won't need form, and in some cases, harmonic/melodic/rhythmic formula. See theres that word again... it makes many creaters, particularly me, that there is something binding your creativity. That is has been done before, and while that is all well and good for the most part, when I create a peice of music, not only do I want it to be original, I want it to be.. refreshing! Like a Rasberry Dr. Pepper in Death Valley. I want it to be as intellectually intense as I can muster, too. Thats (at least partially) why I always try to top myself, and do something new. Now why do you guys compsoe the way you do?