Hey guys im only 13 yrs old so dont expect much from me
I really like to compose and stared composing in grade 3. I made liittle easy compostitions. One is called Monster in the dark and the other is Burglars alert. But i feel as if i heard of them before = = i probably copied it from someone else.
It was then in gr.4, my friend had broken my heart by separating from me. I didn't know why so i dedicated them a song, just to wish they would understand how i felt. =] hahaha... please... sorry if the lyrics are a bit weird. im not really good in english. and ALSO!!! please = = excuse my aweful singing. i will sing better on my next composition :L
I hope you enjoy! and feel the sound of loneliness I had tried to produce
link : YouTube - My own composition -Separated