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Isaias Garcia

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About Isaias Garcia

  • Birthday 09/29/1991

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    I make your eardrums dance :)
  • Interests
    Love, Life, Pizza with peperoni, Harry Potter, and the FIFA World Cup! :D

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  1. is stacked with projects... WOOHOO!!! :D

  2. is stacked with projects... WOOHOO!!! :D

  3. This the end credits score for an animation project I did with a buddy of mines and his production company. The film was about 1 1/2 hours and took a couple of years to make. After his original composer backed out of the project, he called me up to compose new themes and finish the soundtrack... I finished the soundtrack on Logic 8 just in time for submission into a local competition. The orchestration is pretty simple and there are about 3-4 main themes representing a few of the characters. Mind you the end credits ran for about 10 minutes lol End Credits - "The Legend of Auxatia"
  4. So... the ostinato cello represents the outkast of the group. While the other violins in the group are having fun playing different parts and taking turns with the melody, poor cello is stuck playing the same thing over...and over... just until he really looses it and tries something different by changing the key on those darn violins...AHA! lol I composed this on Logic 8 when I was about 15 for English class :) Don't Bully the Cello, String Quartet
  5. hey man thanks for the advice on my piece... I will take it into consideration for the future, I appreciate it :D

  6. hey rudirusso, thank you for the awesome comments... umm I composed this using only logic 8... the drums i got from the orchestral percussion instruments, ive got some asian toms of some sort, sometimes I like to double certain instruments to add more color, and yes i play around with the pan settings and reverb. :)
  7. Using Logic Pro 8, I've created a pretty generic and "whoah-thats-cool" type of score which could, perhaps, work well in a adventure film or video game. Obviously the style in which even the intro is composed is not something we all haven't heard before, I tried to establish a couple of themes and some contrast. Mind you, I did this all in about 8 hours, so I was a bit lazy at the time to perfect and "humanize" the score lol. enjoy! VISIT http://www.youtube.com/user/canargentinemusic for more soundtracks :D UPHEAVAL... just epic
  8. i like!... the melody is stuck in my head now lol ... i can picture an adventure film of some sort, like a cartoon, perhaps?
  9. hey marius :) thanks for the awesome comments, and i also find it very cool that we're canadian!!! woohhoo we're the next howard shores lol

  10. I composed this piece in dedication to my mom, sis, and other family I still have living in my home country Argentina. :) Waltz for Argentina
  11. i love it i can totally picture a nasty witch preparing something evil... awesome
  12. Hey Andy :D I appreciate the feedback and the interesting insights on the piece. Yes, The intro had been influenced by Danny Elfman's Batman theme (which I think was the best one he did). Thanks again :D Cheers
  13. 18 Year-Old Film Composer Isaias Garcia's 10th ADAPTATION soundtrack for the Deathly Hallows.The introduction represents Snape's death... the music here is very operatic and tragic, kind of what I expect Part 2 of the film to be. As Harry retrieves this vital memory from Snape he heads off to Dumbledore's office, knowing that his life will have to end, we also hear a brief motif of Lily's Theme with the flute before the 2nd movement.The 2nd movement I respectfully named "Snape and Lily's Love Theme". The main melody repeats itself, starting with the flute (representing Snape as a boy) and gradually adding more instruments as Snape's relationship with Lily grows over time. Each section of this particular movement could, if you'd like, represent each of Snape's memory which Harry is witnessing to. The final build up and climax of this movement helps us understand the suffering and danger Snape has been known to be involved in, beginning with Lily's death.The final part of the composition goes back to Harry's character, as we discover that Snape loved Lily very dearly and, perhaps, even cared for her son Harry. We hear the celeste playing a motif from the "Philosopher's Stone" which symbolizes Harry as a baby, finally I conclude the piece with a small motif of "Hedwig's Flight".I hope you enjoy the composition.visit Isaias' YOUTUBE CHANNEL @ http://www.youtube.com/user/canargentinemusic for MORE soundtracks. The Prince's Tale, Harry Potter-inspired soundtrack
  14. 18 year-old Canadian film composer Isaias Garcia's latest piece pays homage to the wonder that is film scoring. This is the 1st part of a 2-part series entitled: "The Grand Adventure". Part 1 consists of 3 movements and 3 main themes in the entire piece. The composition contains elements of mystery, adventure, action and purely epic orchestration. Isaias used Logic Pro 8 for this composition.Comment and SUBSCRIBE to Isaias' Channel. Your support will definitely help out Isaias' career as he will slowly become one the industry's youngest and most exciting film composers.For more original compositions, VISIT: http://reverbnation.com/isaiasgarcia OR visit his YouTube Channel @ http://www.youtube.com/user/canargentinemusic The Grand Adventure: Part 1
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