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Dirk Gently

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Dirk Gently last won the day on September 19 2011

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About Dirk Gently

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.
  • Occupation
    Studying music, writing, paying to do all this. An anti-job!
  • Interests
    Music, Soccer, Portugal

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  1. The only time I put a worldview into music is if the music is programmatic or has lyrics. Otherwise it's just music. It might represent me, or bits of me, or parts of my personality, but there's no way I consciously put my belief system into my absolute music, and there's no way if I did someone would completely accurately get it without program notes.
  2. Well, if it is a fantasia on a theme, it's more on Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra than the Lost Woods theme. I really only quoted Zelda in that little section, and a few other times later on. Most of the piece is my own, believe me...I don't see why you got hung up on that tiny section which was clearly just a little throwback to my first encounter with Lydian mode, and one that I did hope made you chuckle with gleeful nostalgia. In any case, good composers borrow, great composers steal ;) :lol:. Stravinsky did a hell of a lot (and he said that) as well as most succesful composers, especially writing variations on themes. That's how we learn, we take what's good and make it our own. Also, I know the percussion notation is odd, it's that way for playback reasons in Finale. I'm cleaning up the score further and having the lines on the staff. I wanted a playback version first to have an audio recording, so now I'm working on the correct version of the score.
  3. Well......maybe. I will be having an orchestra piece performed next year, but probably not this one. I'm working on a more ambitious project, programmatic and with more extended techniques and experimentation (that's all I can say about it now :shifty:) Now, I will be sending this to some competitions, so with some luck it'll get performed :P. Barring that, I'm going to try and produce an EWQL rendition with Cubase, so there should be a sweet recording of this at some point :D
  4. Thanks for reviewing, Pete :toothygrin:! I understand what you're saying about the ending....but I think it'd be a lot more effective with a real orchestra, as the whole point is for the tritone to be "resolved" in the overtones, which will definitely be heard a lot easier with the fuller and more powerful effect of a live orchestra. With GPO it's quite underwhelming, but I think the sound from a real instruments would do it justice.
  5. *yawn* I like the aleatoric bit...but the piece is kind of boring throughout. It made me sleepy, so I guess it's ok as a nocturne...
  6. Ah, I see. Good for you! Well, I guess since there are still people with IE....yes, it would be good to make sure they can use the site
  7. I think the problem is that you're still using IE9 :lol: :P jk ;)
  8. Thank you for your kind words :blush: and thanks for listening/commenting/favoriting! Appreciate it dearly, as always.
  9. Impressive! For someone so young you've done a remarkable job! I was not writing anything nearly this good when I was 14 For the most part I see good counterpoint and treatment of the voices, you have a simple and traditional but effective harmony, and some nice modulations/sudden changes in key. I loved the chromatic sections, and overall thought the voice leading wasn't bad, actually, the balance of instruments is thrown off completely by the MIDI instruments. I would suggest overall to explore the ranges of the instruments, and to look up some guides on orchestration, either online or through a book. Maybe more rhythmic or tempo variation would be nice, too. Overall a great job! Not the most original work, but you're only 14, if you plan to keep writing for a while you've got PLENTY of time to experiment and expand your musical language. Do you know if this will end up being performed? I think it will sound quite lovely live (and more lively)!
  10. That's what she said :w00t:! Ok, I'm sorry, enough of that :blush:. It won't play, gets stuck on buffering :(. (LOL...because F and G are next to each other...I originally accidentally wrote "gets stuck on buggering"...:lol:)
  11. Dirk Gently

    Idyll № 2

    Fantastic! Nothing bad to say here, I haven't heard much microtonal music....but I know I really like this! Brilliant use of microtones with traditional harmony and chords (loved around 2:30), loved the pizz sections and overall harmony/soundscape you've created here. Would like to see a score, but I'm assuming this was created using a DAW instead of a notation program... Sounds great, amazing work! What samples/program did you use?
  12. Beethoven's 16th String Quartet. 'nuff said

  13. well, that's the gist of what I remember, which is why threads exist (because comments in it are FOREVER). The shoutbox archive is crap, so we can never know for sure (I'd love to be proven wrong here). I mean, I remember you saying something about the direction of the piece, and that it seemed unfinished, and also that you liked the zelda references and caught some of the stravinsky references, but otherwise I can't really remember much critical commentary. sorry :ermm:
  14. yeah, I remember the comments basically being "it's good, but I can't comment on it really until it's done" So, uh, well, thanks for listening again :happy: I'm replaying Zelda OoT right now, and it's amazing how much it's influenced me. Technically there's only one quote of it in there (Lost Woods, complete with tambourine and all!), but a lot of influence from the Almighty Koji Kondo in here :toothygrin:
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