Thank you both for your responses. I agree, this piece is slightly corny, but it's not intended to be anything flamboyant or impressive. It is my first completed full band piece, and it was meant to be a gauge of my abilities as a composer. I greatly appreciate both of your replies.
Thank you, it took me a while to decide on that title. I always wait until after completing a piece before naming it, and it took me almost as long to title it as it did to write it. :/ Still, I'm glad you agree with the title. On the topic of dynamics, are you referencing the point where the key changes to minor? It's intended to be a subito-piano, but Finale doesn't play it quite as I would like it to sound. When I finally get a chance to have this piece played, I will make a point to have the group perform an instant piano, but maybe not quite as soft as the computer generates this one to be. As I listen again, I agree with you that the piano is too soft for the feeling at that point in the piece. Thank you again for replying. :)
You can't open it? Are you using Finale or Finale Reader? I used Finale 2009 to write this, and saved it as a .mus file through the normal saving process Finale chooses. I'm sorry there was a problem with the score. I'm glad you feel the optimism I attempted to convey through this music. Again, I agree that it is corny, possibly a bit repetitive, but it's intended more as a chorale, an easy piece where technique isn't required as much as perfect intonation and group blending to get the full effect. I feel that the impact of the piece will be greater with an actual brass band performing the music rather than static, electronic tones from a computer. Thank you for your input, and I look forward to hearing more from you later on. :)