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About bmasc814

  • Birthday 08/14/1991

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  1. Man! It's so nice to hear some real recordings on this site as opposed to MIDI renderings (an act that I myself am guilty of...). baartek was right- this does have a very early Beethoven feel to it. I feel that this could comprise part of a whole sonata... but it's very very good on it's own regardless. I'd like to see a score if you have one!
  2. Wow! This is childlike and wonderful, but there are occasional moments of lurking darkness in the music. It makes me think of something in a Pixar movie, which is the highest praise I think I could ever give anything!
  3. Wow! That IS berserk! Haha. I really like how detailed this piece is- I've never tried it, but composing for four hands can't be easy! It almost reminds me of a Final Fantasy boss theme, or something along those lines. Great work overall!
  4. Thank you so much for the kind words!
  5. Recently, I moved from my home in the suburbs to college in the city (Philadelphia, for the curious). In the city, the light pollution from buildings, cars and street lights make it difficult to see the stars, and there is no such thing as silence- something I revel in at home.These changes made me feel a number of things for the first few nights- sad, nostalgic, excited and strangely at peace. I tried to carry over this combination in the music. Also, I used samples from freesound.org to try and recreate what I hear out my window at nighttime.EDIT: The audio and score are now (almost :/) the same. I changed the score and the sound effects a teeny bit to add some variation. Nocturne No. 1 - No Stars, Only Street Lights
  6. bmasc814

    Love Me

    treCorde, I get the feeling that the purpose of this piece is not to shock, but to soothe.
  7. bmasc814

    Love Me

    This piece is just delightfully sad. Perhaps a bit sentimental, but I love it anyway. Sometimes the best pieces of music are the ones that wear their hearts on their sleeves.
  8. Initially, I was going to write a song cycle called "Summer"- a piece for June, a piece for July and a piece for August. I still might do that eventually, but since I'm apparently writing them out of order (being that the first one I finished was August), who knows when I'll actually get to June and July.Anyway, this is a piece for strings and a solo clarinet. The theme is wistful, but light- pretty accurate for conveying the end of summer, I hope. For me, whenever summer ends, I feel sad that I have to go back to school (and this year, college!), but there's always a sense of triumph in that I lived it up to the best of my ability- parties, friends, beach, fun, etc. I tried my best to represent that pairing of triumph and sentimentality in the music. A Sunset in August
  9. Alas- sorry about the MF link, twas a mistake. I'll put that in my sig, good call. and for the record, there is Electric guitar and piano on several tracks, as well as glockenspiel and some synth stuff. Last Life- I recorded using an MXL 990 Condenser mic in a small practice room at my school. The album was recorded as part of my final senior project for graduating High School, so I had the entire month to work on recording nuances. But everything was recorded with that one mic into Line 6 TonePort UX1 and Apple Logic on an old Macbook. Very low-budget setup. I do play shows in my area at coffee houses and the like.
  10. Hi everyone! I recorded an album over the month of May and I thought I would share it with the YC community. It's primarily acoustic/indie/folk stuff, but there's some Celtic and classical influence on some tracks. Credits: written, recorded, arranged and performed by Benjamin Poole Mascioli except:Violin on "Anniversary"- Katie WilberCello on "Anniversary"- Sean O'Brien. Benjamin Poole (Album)
  11. These are three short preludes I wrote- most of them are just themes and ideas I didn't really have a use for anywhere else.1. Prelude No. 1 (An Obvious Imitation of Philip Glass)2. Prelude No. 2 (A Pretty Little Melody)3. Prelude No. 3 (A Variation on a Civil War Folk Tune) Three Tiny Preludes
  12. ...wow. That was gorgeous- I looked at the sheet music and the breathing is a really cool idea! It's experimental yet tangible- great job. Reminds me of Eric Whitacre.
  13. Meh- I'll give it a shot! (This is due at the end of the month I assume?)
  14. This is superb. Really beautiful stuff. It's somewhat Disney-esque, which is a pretty high compliment.
  15. This is a really beautiful piece- it's always hard to judge choral works on this site because the voice synths never come close to doing a real voice justice. It reminds me quite a bit of something Lauridsen/Part might write (actually Lauridsen did a setting of "O Nata Lux"). To me, it seems to drone a bit, which creates a really cool atmosphere for the piece.
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