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  1. No it's fair enough. I definitely hear what you're saying. I tried a little revision- I'll leave you with that for now, as I've there's a lot of incredibly important coding that's going to have to take precedence over this, but I'd still appreciate any more thoughts on it. Revised 74 - Putfile.com
  2. Over 30 80 - Putfile.com Personally I think this is a huge improvement over my last attempt. I think it fits the game well, but I'm more interested in impressions of it removed from that context for now. There's a thing a did at the beginning of the midi to try and simulate thunder- it sounds pretty good on my computer, but I can't make any guarantees about anyone else's, so if it sounds like crap, let me know, but don't make a big point of it.
  3. I'm writing some music for a video game I'm making and I'd like to hear what people think of this: Yeah 63 13 - Putfile.com
  4. Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I just edited a few small things in the middle section and I think it sounds a little smoother now. Let me know what you think Putfile - cc 40
  5. I believe this is something we like to call "scallopin' as all hell." I would really like to hear an mp3 of that.
  6. Black Jungle Sands I posted a stripped down version of this a while back but no one commented on it. I changed it around a lot and thought I'd try again with this extended version. It has a gradual buildup at the beggining, then it goes through some unusual transitions where the original ends before landing back at a far more percussion heavy variation of the original theme.
  7. Well I thought it was unusual in the sense that I used multiple time signatures simultaneously and alternated between 7/8, 4/4, 5/8, and 6/8 but it was a primary goal to make the melody fit into all of that naturally, so I guess it wasn't supposed to be too screwed up.
  8. Putfile - 78 81 I think unusual time signitures and rhythms can be very interesting but a lot of times it seems very forced when you try to fit a melody into them. Here tried to combine them to create a lot of tension and a heavy groove. Hope you enjoy.
  9. I wrote these two peices yesterday and I'd like to get some comments on them. I'd have to say there's a pretty strange mix of influences behind them with the Talking Heads, Kate Bush and Gustav Holst. One of them is closer to a normal rock song with a funk groove behind it while the other has a spacey sound to it and is a bit harder to categorize. They could both use a little more development but for now I have too much work to do for school. Anyway, I hope you enjoy them. ROCK Putfile - Bush 76 30 SPACE Putfile - space 27
  10. I did kind of figure this. . . .I intended to post this at a different forum that is not specifically dedicated to music but for whatever reason the site goes completely retarded when I try to sign in. Consequently I don't go there anymore. to montpellier's post. I'll give Klemperer a listen. I really love the 1st 3 movements but I find that all of the emotion, beauty, and excitement is amplified a thousand fold in the 4th movement. The part with the 4 soloists just before the prestissimo ALWAYS moves me to tears. Anyway the 4th may be somewhat long and schizophrenic and you made it seem like you've heard plenty of excuses for this, so I'll only add that it has a playfulness and creativity that can rarely be found in classical music.
  11. The Ode to Joy theme may possibly be the single most recognized piece of music in the world but very few have heard it for real in it's entirety. Being that this is a forum specifically dedicated to music I would expect more people here to have heard it than the general public, but at my school for example no one knows anything beyond the Ode to Joy unless they've watched A Clockwork Orange and even then they usually don't realize what they're listening to. But in any event it is the single greatest piece of music I have ever heard BY FAR and in my belief the single greatest piece of music that is even possible to exist. . . .kind of like the speed of light for music. :laugh: That might seem just a bit like hyperbole but absolutely no words said about it can do it justice. It's simultaneously the most beautiful, moving, complex, and exciting thing I have ever heard. If you don't agree; oh well, not everyone's going to have the same tastes; but I think everyone owes it to themself to listen to the real thing as opposed to rendering their judgement off of got milk commercials and elementary school recorder lessons that have become so ubiquitous that it is all too often taken for granted. PART I: YouTube - Karajan - Beethoven Symphony No. 9 : Part 1 PART II: YouTube - Karajan - Beethoven Symphony No. 9 : Part 2
  12. steve

    Sax Trio

    Putfile - Trio edit I tried changing that part a little, do you think it works better? With all the damn AP classes I'm taking I never really had any space to take music theory so I can't really think about it in an objective sense. But it seems to have a more gradual slope now.
  13. steve

    Sax Trio

    Putfile - TRIO 42 I worked to get an actual ending on now. The tempo changes aren't quite as smooth as I'd like but I think that problem would be much easier to fix with real musicians.
  14. steve

    Sax Trio

    Thank you. About the practical aspect of performance, I guess I should mention that I am in the top band at my school so everyone in my group is a very talented player. It will certainly take some practice but I think it should work out.
  15. steve

    Sax Trio

    Putfile - Sax Trio We have to create a piece for our small ensembles project in band and I wanted to get some comments on this. The end's not finished so I threw a random extremely dissonant thing in the last few seconds that's not really going to be there. :blink: Any opinions will be greatly appreciated.
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