I don't use Gigastudio because it doesn't work on my computer... at least I don't think it does. Last time I tried it, it didn't work, but back then I also didn't have my MIDI controller, so I'm assuming it should work now. My problem though, I can't get ahold of Tascam so I can have my registration reset. If I'm not on hold for over an hour, their lines are busy! I've got Cubase LE and Halion LE. I know that I can create my own instruments by dragging .wav files onto the keys of the virtual keyboard...but this is not always a good way to go because it doesn't always work so great. So far, other then that, I've only figured out how to open .fxp and .fxb files with Halion LE. But I'm planning on getting Kontakt 2 soon. Anywho, about the notation now. I know how to get sounds out of Cubase and Halion so when I play back what I've notated I hear the notes, I just want to know how to make Cubase play the note when I stick it on the staff so I can hear it as soon as I place it on the staff.
- Tommy