This is a recorded composition. This is an approach to creating music that I use just as often as notation. I spent a lot of time on it so please listen carefully and loudly! ANY kind of response and feedback is invited.
I recorded EVERYTHING myself and performed everything except for the guitars and a few samples I took from recordings of my old band Emergency Room emergency room on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads and an episode of Tales from the Crypt. The only fake instruments/sounds are orchestral hits and artificial reverb. There's also a sample of a bird that sounds like a roaring dragon. That's actually what the bird sounds like with a little tape saturation and reverb! At the end along with me rewinding and fast forwarding on my 4 track there is a weird orchestral sample provided by the London Phil on their website I used.
Anyway, I'm really into over-the-top funny stuff and find the Creed/Eddie Vedder style singing to be funny and I've been mocking it for years now. That melody plagued me for months and I don't know where it's from. I know this site is more about written composition, but I hope we can get past that for a moment. Next time I post, I'll post a notated composition.
Thanks! Enjoy!
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