Too many to rank them, but Mahler 2 is definitely my favourite symphony of all time. The others are just picks from loads of other favourite symphonies of mine.
Mahler 2
Tchaikovsky 1
Vaughan Williams 1 (A Sea Symphony)
Bax 6
Elgar 2
Thanks a lot. :thumbsup: I quite like that E A D F B motive. It has a sinister quality about it (due to the augmented fourth).
Another thing: I'm beginning to get ideas for an original composition about Earth, with no intention of 'adding' it to Holst's already marvellous suite. So it will have nothing to do with astronomy or Roman gods or whatnot.
I've just come up with an Earth motif, translating the five letters of the word 'Earth' into five notes
E and A are obvious, B in German is written as H, and I just chose G and C cos they sound nice with the other notes.
It's a start, anyway
We could probably make a whole suite about Earth, including elements such as nature (water, air, etc.), industry (the city, buildings, etc.) and humanity (which would have to include a choir of some sort).
Here's a challenge:
Holst never composed a piece about Earth for his Planets suite. Colin Matthews did one for Pluto (although that's not a planet anymore). How would an Earth movement sound? What elements about our planet would you set to music? Would you include voices?
Just a thought...