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  1. Hi again, i must write this now if its ok or not. I am absolutely fascinated from this pieces. Heared again and again and absolutely no errors in it. I thought that you maby testing us (this pieces are allready made from nazareth or someone LOL) In my opinion it has the same quality all three of them and it is a shame that in our time this bullshit music of MTV earns more than such pieces and such talented people who can compose such music. Especially the ending of them are very well composed, so nice really. You should think about to make more of this kind (maby a serie of pieces 12 or more) because there are some people who would like to play, to hear this kind of music. And a serie of pieces have good chances to came out. For example if you make Etudes, one for each ton minor and major, or preludes it has good chances to be printed and maby some day the students play them in the conservatory as usual. If you like this style, you should hear some of Jorge Cardoso and Augustin Barios pieces (they composed for guitar) if you dont know them. You ll like it. Heared some other work too from you. Very nice! Wanted to say this again and good luck hope to hear more :P Esim
  2. Thanks for Feedback, the name i changed (its name was hentai till i learned that hentai is the name of the erotic comics only, didnt know that before) but data name is still from that time. So it s a child song and has nothing to do with eroticism in some japanese comics. Its also inspired of some anime from internet made by artists for the film matrix. If someone has the dvd there is one anime in wich children plays in a place where the matrix is broken. They play with the gravity and other strange things there. Wonderfull this little anime made.
  3. Hi, this is a try to put modern cultural elements from asia (for me anime, manga and this stuff is an important cultural sign of our time wich influences could grow) into a smal orchestral. Used Koto and orf instruments in this little piece. Written for a little japanese girl in my neighborhood. She is about 6 years old :) hope you like it. Orchestral for japanese anime girl Greets Esim
  4. Hi, as a person who played many from Lobos, Antonio Lauro and Nazareth i must say so nice! Very well written and i am really impressed! Very nice pieces and if you write some kind stuff for guitar i would like to play it. so nice (hearing it now again) ;) Esim
  5. Hi, this little piece is a completely diffrent work as i would do normaly. So i cant sense if it is good (maby interesting) or not. Its more an experimenting for me with some influences. It has some ragtime influence for example, so i call it a classic ragtime. What you think about it? Is it too strange? I think it has not a strong theme but something it has?! Here it is Thanks for coment Esim
  6. This (if this is really your first piece) is very good. The harmony you use is used too often, this is ofcourse not your fault :) And as you are a starter to composition its ok to use them. They used by so many commerciall compositions, songs and so on. More interesting is how you structure your piece and modulate between the parts, how your textures how your theme is and such things. I can say they are all ok and from now an the work beginns for you. I hear that you have the ear and feel for harmonies and all that stuff. Now you should experiment, make many many pieces. To become a composer is a relative thing and depends on what you mean with it. A composer for video games, a filmcomposer, a classic composer, a pop composer for a band, a comercial composer for commercials for example, or blues, or jazz or ... (there are so many kinds of composers).... For film and classical, you need the most talent and most knowledge (and much luck too) i think but for all others you need more luck then talent or knowledge. Esim
  7. Hi, did you change it since last time (5 juli)? I think your problem could be, that your starting is so strong in this piece, so its hard to hold the quality at that till ending. As i said in my last posting that in middle confusing i did not mean the harmonics, they are ok i think. I ve listen it now 6 or 7 times and trying to explain. The confusing part is 1:03 to 1:10 clarinet goes in. But harmonicaly ok. And that part can also be good to confuse a bit to left the starting rythmic theme. So it was not negative. How to improve this piece, is difficult because its good. Some sugesstions: At 1:19 the piano sets in, you could let it play the string part from 0:25 now from piano maby? (the string part there is the highest level of tension you reach after start i think) In 1:22 to 1:31 you change to minor? There are some chords leaving the centre. Sounds a bit strange if its so short. I think allways to change the mood or leaving the centre of a theme so hard is difficult if in all time before no such change is in. Then you should stay longer there or stay at the main centre all the time. (Like one little piece of potato in a tomatosoup if i could explain) I dont want to confuse you ;) this piece is very nice anyway but i want to give some suggestions (they could better or lower the quality also, this is something you ll deside ;) The main theme (wich is played two times in the piece in 0:39 - 0:49 and 1:30 - 1:41) has a texture (played by piano and strings), i think could be done better a bit. You could try here something completely diffrent in the texture. Here are the strings better than the piano (as texture not as harmony) i think because piano just seems to play same as the melody instruments (not notes but meaning) as the strings play something diffrent. Ok now i ve listen it 20 times i am not shure i should tell you this all and not delete my posting :o Still goes on: Starting with flute till 0:19 then clarinette plays it again. The modulation 0:18 to 0:19 between this repeats i dont like personaly. (Because its like an end and then the repeat comes, wich is allways the most easy sollution between the repeats) But your modulation from clarinette to piano is fantastic, so you could try here (between flute to clarinette on 0:19, not before because the pizzicatos are very nice) something like this. The end is a bit abrubt wich harmonies with the piece i think. But you could let it end also at the chord in 1:48 (exactly on 1:48 and not 1:49) and use the ending two chords as modulation in the piece somewhere else, wich could be a rythmic surprise to the listener. I will not delete this posting, so dont get confused your piece is really nice and what you are trying to do (i guess an explosion of a positive mood and expression) is one of the most difficult things. And your piece is difficult to do so i wish you very much luck. And if this posting is not a help then delete it in your mind :) Esim
  8. Hey wow really nice. i think this piece is also good for a pianist to make tempo changes and it has a wide potential to variate on playing. Really very nice, good work, especially the first part the left hand! Esim
  9. Ok! Thanks first for hearing and the Feedback. I hope, this is not my last Post here but i want to say something about this problem. Its a bit my fault. This Pages name is youngcomposers and i must say (in my opinion i am young) i have nothing to do here with my 37 years if teenies made this site for their fun LOL :( Yesterday i saw first time what the name of the page means. I guess it means this is a teeny page! I saw yesterday the first time that Canzano is 14 years old. I was shocked! I heard his overture in majorworks (starting nice but the theme not strong for my opinion but quite well orchestrated i thought) Now after i know he is 14 it is extremely good for his age. So it allways depends from the point of view. For a Student in the last semester of a Conservatory the piece is not that good but for a 14 year old Boy Man it is very very good and it shows that Canzano has so many talent that he could be a good composer one day. At this time you even dont know what you heared here Canzano, sory! <-- NOW THAT SOUNDS ARROGANT i know. BUT i remember me as i was 14 (i was the same LOL) and its the talent that makes the things difficult. Then: talent is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom. And you can have only talent at that age, but not much knowledge and never wisedom. And all the people who pushes you and say you, that you are outranging. You try to stay cool but at a time you start believing em. Its allways a problem if a young person has talent. You shouldnt get angry Canzano, cause its not your fault. And i hope you will have a outrangerous future with music. I dont wanna attack you Its ok how you are and if its boring for you its boring. But if you came that way in life to get 37 one day, you will understand, that i must smile if i read your feedback (Hey if you would that old like me you would too :) ). Look i am playing guitar since i am 6, and my first bigger concerts with it i hat with 10 first competition as 12. So i am doing all my life music. Not even if you are 20 times more talent then me, the diffrence in knowledge and wisedom will stay between us. And this someone can only understand if he gets older. This is for all young people out there Why i am telling this all! I want you to come down a bit. Because you will someday get older and come to higher levels of competition. There you could be VERY dissapointed if you still think you are all the things that people said to you. This could ruin your life and your music. So put ego by side, take it easy and think about that: Harsh and unconstuctive critique comes allways from people who arent good enough! So dont critisize that way. A proffessional would never do that, he would say nothing if he dont like it or something that could be usefull. For me its sad that i seem to old for this forum. This was very nice to share the work and had listeners and could listen to some nice fantastic work as the fuge or johns piano clarinet first akt :) . I ll post still some pieces then it doesnt bother me that here some people to young or dont like my stuff because its fun and some of feedback is very helpfull and kind so. Greets Esim
  10. Hi, this is a work wich came out last year. I composed it for a Pianistfriend. Was 1 week work. About the structure: Maintheme, faster childtheme, maintheme 2, faster childtheme 2 then all again, then finish. Thanks for feedback. One thing i d like to know: Is the second repetition of the 4 Parts too much? should it end without a repeat, after all 4 parts are played? Ballade in G-minor Esim
  11. Thank you for the Feedback! Its helpfull. @BitterDuck i ve red in another Posting, that you are also in a guitarforum could you please PM me the url or post it in this thread. That would be very nice. Esim
  12. Hi Apollo, this is hard to hear in midi. I think, a human player would make so much dynamics into the monotony wich can improve this piece. My opinion is, that this is too monoton as you said in the treble clef. Why not vary here a bit? You could start as you do now and vary that note till it ends in chords?!! Some part (after beginning only this note is there, quite many measures) not every monoton piece is boring so if you highlight the monotony in this piece, give the brain just something wich repeats permanently. This can be more then one note over such a long time, without changing it. Only an opinion. Esim
  13. Hi John, heard the second one now tree or four times. I will give my opinion (its an opinion only and i am not an important crititian) I think you have a level reached on composing wich is so good and i ve red in another posting of you, that you want to become better. My suggestion to this is to learn patience a bit. Your works are nice but you give not much time to them to grow. Its cool that you re making them so fast but at a point you cant get better with this kind of working. To work on a piece longer needs patience and can be boring after a while (me for example working allways on tree pieces at same time to awoid boring) After a while it can happen, that the piece grabs your mind and kills your ideas because the main theme has a too strong personality. This is the time to leave it for a while (go outside or not working on it for a day or two, maby work on other pieces) On this kind of working you will get much better in short time i promise. You will see the matematical aspects of your music, work sometimes from head, not from emotions, sometimes pure emotions and no head. To try reaching perfection is a hard thing wich can cause joy too. And you should try because in my opinion you are at a level at you could begin trying to do this. Imagine: A piece is allways constructed by musicnotes wich played after or at same time (chords) in one ore more tempos. So it sounds easy LOL BUT what if you try to find the best note after every note. Then you can bring your life with composing only one piece. If i compose on guitar for example its only just feeling how it sounds good. If i compose on computer, its completely something else. As i have no keyboard to play the notes in i give every note with a programm only on passages where ideas go out, i use guitar to give the constucting head a bit stuff. I have about 20 pieces on guitar wich will never come to notes because i am just too lasy. But working note after note gave me a new dimension. And with your impressionistic harmonic feel you will profite from it too i am shure. And about the supporting clarinette: Try more to let the instruments talk with each other. Sometimes the clarinette should say and piano listen (supporting or totally break) sometimes let the piano talk. Try to let them tell yes to each other, or try to let the say no or shout each other. See them sometimes like one person telling the hearer, sometimes two persons telling each other something. A very good example on this, wich you maby will like is Ravels trio for piano chello and violin. Has three or four sets i think, wonderfull piece. This will bring you much deeper in to your own musik. Esim
  14. Ok this piece has a Story (i respekt bach, love him and also Bartok) Its not that serious and a little joke, a little personal revenge :blush: As i played a Bach piece on the Guitar in the conservatory here, the Prof said that i cant make glissandos in a Bach piece. I told him that he must be wrong because it sounds good. He told me, that to bachs life he composed for laute and not for guitar, so he never wrote something for guitar really. And so bach should be played without glissandos on guitar. I told him that bach would allow me glissandos if he would hear his piece on guitar. Ok i ve got the bad note and thatswhy i made this little piece. The Idea was to awake Bach then to awake Bartok from the death and let Bartok discuss (fight) with Bach. Destroy his mathematical harmonics in wich bach tries to stay alife and tell him not to disturb his music ;) After i heard the very great fuge from bakhtiyar in this forum i remember this piece (Great bakhtiyar really!) here it is: Bach meets Bartok hope no one gets angry ;) Esim
  15. Hi John, i had to hear it again after i ve red paganini lovers reply to be shure that we heared the same piece :P I completely disagree here. For me this is very very nice, the cords (not the arpeggio (or texture) i mean) are very nice, surprisingly and consistent. For me this is great. And if you compose such thing in 2 hours, i should give it up LOL !! Only thing is the clarinette is a bit too background for piano for me. It just supports the piano. And i am missing a little bit a finish. But specially the part between 1:00 and 1:15, beautifull and then the re_theme go in is very great. I would make from this piece a Sonata for Piano and Clarinette in wich this piece is a part. Interesting, that opinions can vary so much. Very nice! Esim
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