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DJ Fatuus

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About DJ Fatuus

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  • Biography
    I like writing music for films, but not 'film music', if that makes sense.
  • Location
    Newcasle, York, London
  • Occupation
    Music and maths tutor, studio tea-maker
  • Interests
    History, languages, brains, football.

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  1. Thanks, I don't think I will spend much time tweaking (I might make a few notes into anticipations etc.)... I'll just write new things better :]
  2. A short mopey choral piece. Sorry I don't have the score (don't have Sibelius on this computer).Is it ok? I tried to make it clear and expressive but I think it's ended up more stale and plodding. Minor Hymn
  3. There is plenty of such software. The problem is, adding effects in realtime is a tough process and the signal gets delayed (this is called 'latency'). If you need the results to be almost instantaneous, you will need a good PC and a good soundcard/audio interface. Unfortunately, there's a steep learning curve when entering this world. Probably the best way to introduce yourself is to get Reaper, which is a 'free' DAW which will host effect plugins. And then for the effects themselves, there are plenty of websites that offer free VSTs. www.kvraudio.com is a good database of all effects and instruments, both free and priced.
  4. Waterphones and theremins! :D I think the genre of horror is too wide to give any helpful replies to you question really. You can have eerie, tense, darkly expectant horror right through to outright terror, dismay RUN RUN RUN!!!!! horror. Generally you have to make the listener uncomfortable. One way of doing this is to deliberately do something "wrong" like playing a happy kids' melody over the wrong chords, or not resolving a dissonance in the expected manner.
  5. I use it with the Garritan Stradivarius Violin. Velocity controls strength of attach, expression controls volume after the attack, mod wheel controls amount of vibrato, and aftertouch controls speed of vibrato. Oh no, it's nothing new, I'm just saying if you need it for any reason, you shouldn't get a digital piano.
  6. I agree with all the above. Controller + software is by far the preferable solution for people who are comfortable in that environment. A piano modeler like pianoteq uses barely any computer resources and creates a sound that would convince most listeners. But that's the exception, most acoustic instrument in software form will be sample-based libraries, meaning you need quite big hard disks and a reasonable amount of RAM. Pretty much all digital piano's have MIDI in/outs, so it can kind of serve the same purpose as a controller keyboard, but if you're always going to software instruments, then a dig. piano is a waste of money on: speakers, built-in sounds, and the general 'piece of furniture' style of build materials. I had a digital piano for a few years. I found it great to quickly play on the build-in sounds, and then hook up the MIDI to use it as a controller keyboard for properly recording the composition. This was fine, but these are the reasons I changed to controller keyboard, maybe some are relevant to you: -it's smaller, better for live use (same number of keys, but not designed to look like an acoustic piano) - you can get controllers in almost number of octaves you want. -controller keyboard came with assignable knobs and faders, so I didn't have to get a separate MIDI device for that purpose. -more sockets for pedals. I need sustain and expression pedals. The digital piano had 3 pedals but they were fixed/unassignable, and they are all on/off pedals (none could fade between values like an expression pedal). -more sturdily built, sockets are designed to be plugged and unplugged constantly - one of my previous consumer keyboards quickly lost all ins and outs as I swapped them too much. -I needed 'aftertouch' for a particular software instrument. no digital pianos have this feature, as far as I know. Having said that, digital piano's have the advantage of being quick to turn on: no waiting for the PC to load, no software fighting for the same sound drivers... I really miss that freedom sometimes.
  7. This is my first competition. Do we send you the works privately or post them on the site as normal?
  8. but one profile has messages A, B and C, while the other profile has messages B, C and D. It's not just an older database.
  9. Any ideas on the profile discrepancies?
  10. Experience tells you which self-standing intervals sound consonant and dissonant, and further experience tells you the effect of different harmonic progressions. By interval, I mean the gap between the two notes.. so an E and a B above, would be a perfect fifth... an E and a Bb above would be a diminished fifth... these two have very different effects. Some people can hear polyphonic music in their heads very well.. for everyone else, there's music theory. If you haven't already, learn the various chords of a scale (I, ii, iii, IV etc.) and you'll quickly get the hang of what harmonic progressions sound good.
  11. Strange! I'm seeing profile messages I didn't know I had. These are shots from my normal/forum/old profile, and from my profile when I clicked on your link and logged in: http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/6204/yc1.jpg http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/4962/yc2.jpg Oh, there are also discrepancies between the forum posts and profile view figures. Also, when I sent a message to someone's profile, it placed 3 backslashes before each apostrophe. Also, I posted a message to "The Wire", it appeared fine and there was the usual green box saying it posted fine, but clicking "click to dismiss" has no effect... can't close it. I'm on Chrome Win XP.
  12. Find out which exam board it would be and look at their website. You can usually find the specification (the new word for syllabus) and past papers (which might also have mark schemes).
  13. This is for the "incomplete" forum but I couldn't figure out how to put it there. Ok, so I need your help! This is a fast, hopefully exciting, chord sequence on the middle strings of the guitar. Played clean: no amp, no effects. I'm looking for suggestions of songs that sound similar to this so that I can learn how this kind of thing is meant to sound. Or, if you can suggest amps/effects to use, that would also be great. I have Guitar Rig, so I'm good on that front. Please be liberal with your song suggestions! It's much better to have too many than too few. Thanks! (and yeh, sorry it clips at the end) Sovet Prevechnii
  14. It's donation rather than theft.
  15. I don't understand. If you remember the lyrics and the chords, and you get the relative timings right, what exactly is the problem?
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