I love Erik Satie. His eccentricity is so endearing. He only had one romantic relationship (allegedly, it's hard to think that's possible), with Suzanne Valadon. A lot of his music is so dissonant and lacking in direction that it's virtually inaccessible (he can take experimentation too far, I mean writing a typewriter into a score is kind of mental), but it's all about picking out the sweetcorn from the scraggy if you know what I mean, coz it's really worth making an effort to sift through his stuff to find the genuinely beautiful pieces.
I relax by playing his piano pieces. My faves are Nocturne no.4 and the Gnossiennes (Gymnopedies as well but they're getting kind of cliched now).
I'm a little obssessed with him to tell you the truth. :)
He only ate white food you know.