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  1. Sorry for yet-another-sound-card-question. I'm working on the specifications of my new PC for creating music. I'm using midi mainly, but I may need an analogue solution because my piano keyboard doesn't come with midi I/O. I've believe I'll need a sound card that is SoundFont compatible, loaded with decent SoundFont, mic in, headphone/speaker out, and line in. I don't need midi I/O and analogue/digital I/O at the moment. But is line in same as analogue in? I'm deciding between Auzen Prelude 7.1 and E-MU 1212. From my understanding, Auzen has sound supremacy, while E-MU comes with midi I/O, 12 analogue/digital I/O and LE version of several music production software. Currently, I'm using Anvil Studios for midi sequencing, SynthFont and Audacity. I'm considering a production software that puts all 3 steps into 1, but I haven't really explored my options, so I don't know if the software bundle that comes with E-MU is worth the extra $. I'm wondering if I should go for Auzen Prelude 7.1 and get its add on for additional I/Os when the need arises, or go for E-MU 1212 that has it all to begin with. At the same time, I'm also wondering if I'm going for Auzen for music production, would it make more economical sense to go for a "low-end" product instead? Since I won't benefit from Auzen unless I use it for watching/listening to multimedia right? Any suggestion? Sorry for the length, I'm trying to sort out my thoughts ;)
  2. Thanks ;) In the very end, I managed to work within the software limitation. I'll check out line in recording again when I get a new soundcard. It's nice to finally feel ready to invest :blush:
  3. Hi. I'm trying to record from my keyboard to PC using line in to Audacity with the least noise level. Does anyone know which is the best combination? 1. Should I keep the keyboard volume high or low? 2. Should I keep the line in record volume high or low? 3. Should I silence the noise before amplifying the track or should I amplify before silencing the noise? I need to do a piano track with somewhat decent dynamics and piano voice but I'm only looking at recording using line in due to hardware/software limitation and time constraint :sadtears: Thanks in advance!
  4. I see.. I'll work on my budget then. Thanks :P
  5. I couldn't figure out how. I tried to selecting a portion to change the tempo but I didn't hear any difference
  6. I have Vienna for 9 years. It came with a sound blaster bundle. I just didn't know I'll need it one day ;) Okay thanks :laugh: Btw, is it possible to change tempo within a midi track?
  7. Hi Calehay, Thanks for taking time and effort to reply and I really appreciate it :happy: I used to love midi till the day I added an audio (vocal) track.. They just sounded like they were from different spaces.. I haven't actually installed Synthfont and I don't really comprehend how soundfonts work. Are they installed on the PC and accessible to all softwares that utilise them? And do I need a compatible sound card? I have only tried arranging 2 compositions. Not that I truely knew what I was doing.. The first was off pitch and the second had poor chord progression. But I guess I would probably die without drum kits and piano because I do mainly pop composition. I would surely love to try wind instruments though I'm not good at adding them as harmony.. But no strings? Aw.. Thanks for pointing that out! I haven't read about that yet. Yes I will give it a try once I upgrade my PC RAM. Do you know what is the function that lowers my pitch? I think I would find that useful and faster than begging my guy friends :shifty: Do you mean sync as in the timing or that the audio and instrumental tracks should sound like they are "merged" together? I think recording software will not be a problem. I had used Creative Wave Studio 9 years back to "record" parts of songs from CD (for innocent preview :) )
  8. I've been using Anvil Studio for a couple of years for very simple midi editing. Recently, I finally managed to sit still in front of my PC and finish notating a composition using Anvil Studio, something I thought I could never had done :) Thereafter I wanted to add an audio (vocal) track to do a demo and that's where I stumbled and decided it's time to find out more.. Now that I've read a bit more, I would like to clarify some doubts. Pls do point out any terminological errors I might have :D My aim is to do a simple demo with vocal and arrangements. This is what I understand from my readings and in the free way cos' I'm not ready to commit to a purchase as yet.. 1. Sequence a midi (with Anvil Studio) 2. Mute the vocal melody track (with Anvil Studio) and convert it to wav (with Synthfont) 3. Play the wav and record with vocal (with mike) Would Step 2 make the sound more real. I don't need it to sound that fantastic at this point. I just need it to sound less synthesized.. Do I need to do more than Step 2? Lastly, am I suppose to use a mike that reduces noise or one that pick up all the noise and remove them later?? Thanks for reading till this point :laugh:
  9. I found YC on Yahoo search engine when I was looking for "composer forum".
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