Hey man, thanks for listening and your critic. I don¡t use Ewql...but edirol, which sucks in comparison :/...
I am not good at mixing, so that¡s why you don't notice some scraggy..I will check out your music. :cool:
What is cool is how you let the music build up after a slow beginning. What samples are you using?
It was very good for a first attempt. I guess that on youtube you can find movie clips but you'd need to supress the audio. You can also try your hand at mute films :cool:
You really need some new samples! It sounds too midi!
But hell, the music is what matters. The beginning was a bit weak, but then you brought some cool ideas that you SHOULD HAVE expanded. I think it would make the whole thing sound more consistent and not like a rhapsody of themes written in the same key.
If you really want it to sound like a Hans Zimmerish thing ,use some ethnic percussion or electronic sounds!
Since there was never a film on the horror story "The outsider", I decided to ilustrate the story both with words and music. I am not very satisfied with the results but hell...it could have been worse. Here it is. Do post some feedback, pleese :P
This is beautiful, marvelous, stunning ,amazing, pure and awesome. Your talent makes me jealous and trust me, I don't say that to each composer.
The samples sound so good. Damn, I need to get my hands on those EWQL ones.
Hey dude, I think people would post more critics if the audio clip didn't need to be downloaded. I find it more practical to click on a link and hear music automatically. Anyways, I did take the time to listen and here is what I Think:
This is atonal music..and even so, it relies too much upon the tonic of the scale. You have some good dissonances going on, and I liked when the orchestra played a forte on a dissonant chord. At times I get the impression that the strings are playing only 3 notes through the whole song.
Which samples are you using?