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James Casey

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About James Casey

  • Birthday 06/29/1993

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  1. lol yer ill c how i go using acid pro! haha and synth never gets old YEWWWW
  2. hey thanks 4 the compents guys! i am using sibelius 5 and if always sucks with big pieces like this. and yer i think it is an uploding error. dude it just finishes on a resolving chords "aint missing much" and yer some good suggestions 4 what type of movie it could b from! i just stuck wif the emotion not the type of movie so to say!
  3. This was a 2 min compositon 4 film music! i think u will get the idea of the scence when u listen to it. coment on what u think the scene is or type of film! Year 11 composition task
  4. Ohk, vocals r only loops but i am writing some lyrics and then going to record them over the top. tell me what you think! Dance To This
  5. Hey. just playng around again. lol good song to take the leads off the top and solo by yourself! if want ask!caseyhere@live.co.uk Baby
  6. Again anouther one i thought wouold be good 4 a party, juts playing around with some loops and my midi keyboard! Can You Feel It
  7. this si just a muck around song....ok 4 parites and what not. Wait for it!
  8. I no were u r coming from with the whole pop feel and what not, but my aim is to try and created a score, more indepth than the modern music u get, still classical (or what i like to call classical) but something my friends would like to listen to. And i honestly dont think there is a genre 4 it. Thank u for all the advice, i need as much as i can get i will definatly muck around with that I-VII-VI-V progression and see how i go. thanks alot.
  9. Thanks for the advice guys, ill much around wif it and c what i can come up wif
  10. James Casey


    SOmething i did when i was bord, could be cool at a party! Move
  11. James Casey


    ohk, so this is a piece i wrote during the holidays.....it is honestly a piece that needs tp be played by an orchestra, because my program "sibelius" and the ram on my computer can not handle too many instruments playing at the smae time...so if it was to be recorded i would bulk it up! please coment i need all the help i can get! Hope
  12. James Casey


    THis one needs a vocal line but my singing would not do the song justice! Jump
  13. James Casey


    i wrote this song using loops in a program called acid pro 7. Synth
  14. this is a song i wrote for my major music assesment in year 10. The Soldiers Cry
  15. Thanks dude... this piece was for a music assesment and i started off will what i tried to make a melody with a couple of variations. and then i brought it back in at the end....but it didnt really work, thanks for the comments though. THanks.. James
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