Hey all :) I'm in a pretty bad position right now.
The issue is that I'm still interested in composition, yet have not received any formal training, and I haven't completed any works as of now. I'm a junior currently, and next year I have college apps to worry about.
When I'm applying for college, I'll most likely be looking into doing a double major in music, most likely in either vocal performance, conducting, and (possibly) composition. But again, I'm having difficutly completing any work because I'm in the process of balancing schoolwork, a girlfriend, piano, and teaching myself the basics of composition (I'm learning from "Tonal Harmony" by K/P). I'm really overloaded with all my work, especially schoolwork (4 honor/AP classes), so it's difficult to get around to learning and practicing my comp skills...
Does anybody know if it's possible to switch to or add a comp major to my schedule in college? Has anybody been through that experience or known someone who has?
I think I'm qualified enough to major in composition. I'm completing level 9 in CMEA's Certificate of Merit for Piano this year, and I'm going to complete the advanced level next year, both being path A (not path B). I'm going to try and take the AP music theory test later this semester, even though I haven't taken the class, because I've researched it on college board and I can comprehend most of the topics covered on the test (I've checked out the test and the topics listed; anything I currently don't know I'm studying in the TH comp book).
Sorry about the long post, I'm just worried about what to do in the future..