Carulli_Guitar.... thank you, there was alot of inspiratiion inspiration in your post... composing IS a difficult art and i have only rellly really been doing it less than a year, althogh although i am trying to compose something everyday.
It will take time to get up to a good standared standard, however i'm determined to get to a standard i'm happy with... it maybe is just practise, however editing great motifs is a good technique i strangly strangely never really used
I think probbally probably because i was striving for original exellence excellence when i maybe did not have the excellence anyone got any other tips...
Oh and what about things like 5ths and 7ths.... for instance if i wanted a melacholic melancholic (for example) motif what keys and intivals intervals between notes are good for getting certain moods..
thanks :happy:
PS i can't figuer figure out this link buisness business. I attatch attach the file but it doesent doesn't come up and i don't have any file posting things on my computer.... however it's irrelivent irrelevant really as i'm reasonably happy with my "back catalouge catalogue" of music