Very interesting question! Wikipedia answers this as "Classical music is the music produced in, or rooted in the traditions of Western liturgical and secular music, encompassing a broad period from roughly the 9th century to present times" Perhaps the term "classical" in my opinion refers to the old orchestral music which uses instruments like piano, violin, flute but not guitar, drums and electronic devices. Although I am not a pro, (I don’t even play an instrument, it's embarrassing), I love classical music, and I always found it a pity that only few people have found access to classical music and the great joy it can bring to our lives. That's why I have recently written an article on how to enable "newbies" an easy access to it. I posted it on my blog and would very much appreciate your comments and ideas on how to make it even easier for beginners to get to know classical music.
<a href="">A Guide to Enjoy Classical Music </a>
Would be great to hear from you!
Thank you,