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  • Birthday 08/20/1993

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    Where the world ends, and also where it begins.
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  1. A transition from sad meeting, almost regretful to almost great and happy experiences.... then it just swerves sadly in and out... and ends... perhaps weeping. Only problem I have with it is... why'd you end in a major context? lol... I do enjoy the emptiness of the piece, the space, it leaves a lot to be said... and seems to almost tinge on regret, but once again, it isn't regret at all for some reason... It's like your glad to be betrayed, because you got to experience some maybe new, and exciting things, and that makes you happy? But all in all... all you feel now is sadness upon happiness.... And after listening to it for a third time, I still only feel that almost-regret... that isn't regret at all... What is that your trying to get to?...
  2. #1: E minor- Simple to Improvise, Not overbearingly powerful Runner Ups: G minor, D minor, and Eb Major Overall, it's just to the key I always hum new tunes to myself. And most of the times its in E Minor. Lately, A Dorian has been a personal favorite (for some odd reason)...
  3. "Darkness Upon Jerusalem" just kidding. um... "The Kings' Carol" "Bells to/of Their Arrival" Reminds me somewhat of a video game piece... lol. Enjoyed the Trombone solo opening (GO TROMBONE!!!) Not as much appealing as a band piece, the way you used the high woodwinds, seems kind of like one might use strings in an orchestra? But beside that, it was good ^^
  4. At the beginning, I would have mistaked it for a battle theme song in a video game, good thing I didn't. Overall it gave a Zimmerish' feel (forgive me for my use of adjectives o.o), only the quality of the midi kind of killed it (which is no fault of yours, hahaha... lol) If the goal was a militaristic feel, it would depend on your point of view? (I would assume each nation has its own militaristic music ideals?)... But yes, it definitely gave the military feel with the trumpet and snare once it picks up, and way to use something from HALO!!! (IT TOOK ME FIVE MINUTES TO REMEMBER WHERE THAT THEME WAS FROM WHEN I HEARD YOU USE IT!!!) I just realized, it makes me think of a semi-Zimmer scoring Halo. In fact, I say, mostly ignore the Zimmer. It sounds like something from Halo!!!
  5. is thoroughly shocked.

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  6. is thoroughly shocked.

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  7. First: OH NOEZ, A DREAM OF HAVING KIDS!!!! Just kidding. Second: A very nice, tranquil piece. I'm curious to what this sounds like without so much of a Piano/and later Harpsichord "metronome" (chord progression) going on in the background, perhaps, make it ever so slightly simpler, like cut out a note or two... lol? But it makes sense to do the "metronome" at the "double-time" (I think).
  8. -Rolifer- Thanks! Yeah, I actually use Finale Printmusic, but the Windows Synths is what renders the midi's o.O I really should upgrade to Finale, lol (and should learn Sequencers as well o.O) -Wendell- Thanks and will do! Though, I'm kind of grounded from my computer atm... lol. I'll be sneaking compositions whenever I can... lol -CheeseLord- :o THANK YOU!!! I really liked the Journey's End. Googling for free sound samples never works for me o.O That's quite a list on the samples, and I'll make sure to get on those ASAP -Serge- I've tried out Sibelius before, but I preferred Finale, just because I've gotten accustomed to using it for school purposes, lol. And thank you for your comment, when I first wrote it, I meant to write a Duet for trombone and interswitching trombone/piano with orchestrated accompaniment, and entitle it the "Lover's Duet"... but somewhere along the way, I got really off topic, lol (and got rid of the duet all together) It's funny how I put a Piano in Finale and the midi interprets it as a Synthesizer. (shhh. No one knows, lol)
  9. I, very much so, enjoy this arrangement. It definitely keeps listener intrigued, though, it is slightly predictable. And if there was anything I could have possibly really disliked, it was the last note- You stacked, the five for the top of that last eigth-note chord, and I didn't really like it in that context to what was going, but if it is what you intended, than its all-right, lol. Otherwise, put the root on top :o
  10. Needs a Name- http://www.box.net/shared/bc3rrxylqi Is there any way to make high[er]-registers in this crappy Windows-synth midi sound nice at all? ...this would probably be fitting as some kind of strange Irish-folk pop song... lol... I need suggestions in rescoring registers in this piece, I think. But it's "nice" at least... lol Once More- http://www.box.net/shared/pafyz6md67 [A Very Simple] Piano Improvisation over a chord pattern/progression, I made it, much to my surprise, quite melodic o.o (and then looped it , thus the name, Once More) I'm stuck with making midi's at the moment, so i apologize if its an inconvenience for some.
  11. THAT was FANTASMIC!!! Perfectly fits with the visuals, and the mood is almost in respect to the actual disney score (if anything, it is ever so slightly more "mature" of a sound than a disney movie haha).
  12. Kinda going off of rolifer said, A little more movement would be nice ^^ But I enjoy the melody, would definitely fit a solemn, medieval background.
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