Thanks! Yeah, I actually use Finale Printmusic, but the Windows Synths is what renders the midi's o.O
I really should upgrade to Finale, lol (and should learn Sequencers as well o.O)
Thanks and will do! Though, I'm kind of grounded from my computer atm... lol. I'll be sneaking compositions whenever I can... lol
I really liked the Journey's End.
Googling for free sound samples never works for me o.O
That's quite a list on the samples, and I'll make sure to get on those ASAP
I've tried out Sibelius before, but I preferred Finale, just because I've gotten accustomed to using it for school purposes, lol.
And thank you for your comment, when I first wrote it, I meant to write a Duet for trombone and interswitching trombone/piano with orchestrated accompaniment, and entitle it the "Lover's Duet"... but somewhere along the way, I got really off topic, lol (and got rid of the duet all together)
It's funny how I put a Piano in Finale and the midi interprets it as a Synthesizer. (shhh. No one knows, lol)