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BDW-Musician last won the day on May 3 2010

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  1. A Duel/Piece for 2 Pianos Duel for 2 Pianos
  2. He said midi is allowable as long as it sounds decent.
  3. Any of them, just curious.
  4. What do you think of mine, Tuskle?
  5. thanks
  6. It's for a video game and that's why it's not a normal 'song' lol
  7. Haha thanks a lot.. it was supposed to (oddly enough) make fun of bruce springsteen (in a way by not actually sounding like him at all) lol. so the first half was the only part i actually tried for. the second half is pretty random and stupid because that's what i was trying for. But I do like the way the first half turned out and thanks for the comments :)
  8. No, I'm just looking at it for what it is, and it wasn't empty at all and the harmonies are perfectly expectable. I was actually considering making them less obvious. The only possible problem I can see is that it might not be loopable enough.
  9. No, I really cleaned it up and it's perfect lol.
  10. I really like this thread :)
  11. By the way, I updated the track I recently uploaded. I completely changed the form so it makes more sense and it's just random modulations and stuff. You'll probably like it better.
  12. Battle music of some kind. (or the third kind O.O) A Battle on the Beaches of Verisimilitude
  13. new piece. bpm 100. this took me a little longer than the others. I Slept.mp3
  14. A random weird thing I wrote. It's a Salute!
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