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About jollyzolly

  • Birthday 12/06/1989

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  • Favorite Composers
    Harry Gregson Williams, Hans ZImmer
  • My Compositional Styles
    Orchestral, Electronic, Classical, Contemporary etc...
  • Notation Software/Sequencers

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  1. I feel gooood, na na na na na na na!!!

  2. by the way, I put my music on this site for it to be heard by people. REVIEWING is a seperate thing, because you dont have to do it if you dont wanna. all im trying to say (this mostly goes for AntiA) is that if yur gonna review my music just to tempt me to edit that particular song the review is for, then DONT BOTHER. like i said in my above post, I will take suggestions in to account for my next productions, but my uploads are always the final versions, no amount of reviewing is gonna change that!!! so dot get worked up or upset (i.e AntiA) just cuz i dont edit my song because of a suggestion or advice. peace out...
  3. to AntiA: i wasnt implying that i will ignore your suggestions just cuz i wont edit my song based on them.... so why you took that as a slap in the face i dont know. i said i will take suggestions into account in my next pieces..... the fact that you took that as a slap in the face ACTUALLY hurt me and pissed me off. TO EVERYONE ELSE, thanks for listening to my music and keep the views, comments and such coming!!! bye for now.
  4. thanks guys for commenting and suggesting, even though i dont know even half the words you are saying!!! i havent been educated in music at all, i just have ideas in my head and put them into FL studio xD i dont know what bassoon ostinato even means, nor do i know what reverb means OR what counter melody means either!!!!! anyway what i upload on this site will always be th final version, so i wont be going back to my music and editing it and uploading it all over again just cuz of a suggestion. all i can do is take these suggestions into account and put them into practise in my next piece of music! P.S if you're all wondering why most of the music has different themes and such, it's because i am not writing for a specific scenario or event, i aint scoring for a film here, i just get ideas from here and there and mix them into my music. thanks again for the comments and suggestions, keep it up!!! see ya'll
  5. Just put what ever ideas that i came up with at the time into this music piece, hope you all like it! Triumph at Last
  6. haha lol thank you very much!!! yepp lol im almost done working on a piece which i think is quite good TBH. i'll upload as soon as poss. take care
  7. wow man that ended way too quickly for its awesome-ness... GET BACK TO FINISHING IT IMMEDIATELY lol. The beginning was kinda rambo'ish (which is good - we all like rambo) until the high pitch violin came in. Very good originaltiy though and really did sound like a tragic event has taken place or as if this was written for a tragic character - which is job done for you lol!!! once thing i would like to hear in this if you do finish it off is to try and get like a slow build up along with those snares you had from the beggining until you REACH the climax of the piece... excellent though
  8. this is absolutely brilliant man i had teary eyes by the end. such originality as well. YOU ARE VERY TALENTED
  9. WOW thank you soo much EVERYBODY for commenting and giving advice!!! im really happy my music has gotten 84 play already lol i didnt think it would reach this much thb. one thing i really wanna shout out though is have i put my music in the right category? lol cuz i dont know what "renaissance" is, since my target audience is people who like hollywood-ish and film score-ish type of music. THANK YOU EVERYONE again. And dont worry people lol because I will be commenting on YOUR music VERY SOON ! bye for now. BTW i use fl studio ( i know i know its not as good as PRO TOOLS or CUBASE or LOGIC PRO, but i cannot get a MAN and CUBASE is way too complicated to even look at lol) BYE for now...
  10. Just a make you feel alive type of piece of music! really nice sound to it. A Hero Rises
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