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    Music, Tennis, Weight lifting, video games
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    Too many to list...but you can hear their teaching and influences in my approach!
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    My style defines itself through a personal listening experience
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    Finale Software
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  1. Yes, Thanks. The link you posted if by the same user for the link I posted. It seems that he had taken them down then reloaded them.
  2. I haven't been continuously active on this site for a long time (due to being busy and trying to take time away from cyber world). However, I have signed from time to time to check out pieces, see how the site is doing and where it is going. Although I have appreciated the "look and feel" of some of the older style forums I am pleased, appreciated and understand why Chopin must continue to try and move the forum forward in such a way even if it seems like constant changes and upgrades. I will admit though, when I have signed on and would see the changes I was thinking "hmmm...again?" but f thought "must be something he's trying to work out or finalize".
  3. Another return to Young Copmosers and checking out the site after being away for some time...Loving the new look!

    1. Ravels Radical Rivalry

      Ravels Radical Rivalry

      Good, I like it too. There are a few minor odds and ends to sort out, but I think this is very close to a finalized look. It is very organized and easy to navigate with no dead ends anywhere.

  4. Well, I don't have a free sheet music link, but my online-store with my scores is now up and running. Right now I have only stocked the store with 4 chamber works as it will be continually updated with more works. Jubal Music & Publishing The site works best with Internet Explorer although I use Firefox myself.
  5. This procession reminds me of the 2nd one where there is more "playing" and development going on. I actually think the first processional seems more wedding like as opposed to the 2nd and 3rd ones.
  6. Again, this is sweet and eloquent just as you wanted. I do like the first procession over this one though. But I see that this is your personal preference. What procession was chosen for the wedding?
  7. This definitely feels like a "Spring" wedding . If that was your intention then it was well done. I do think that since there was a repetition of the material that you could have altered the harmony a bit without taking away from the sweet and eloquent simplicity that you wanted.
  8. *The opening ideas of the Vivace movement (texture and harmony) up until :16 is my favorite part of the entire movement. Do like how light and free the 1st movement feels and yet still structured and coherent. *Wasn't able to listen to the second movement...wasn't working. *I thought the final movement was nice. On a personal note, I was wishing that the final movement would be a nice echo of the light, free, and "fresh" feeling that you gave us in the first movement. But nothing really wrong with the final movement. Nice work!
  9. I wanted to know if you composed this as an "improvisation" or if you sat down and improvised at the piano then wrote it down? The music is nice and moody. It does very much sound like and improvisation regardless if you actually improvised or composed it as an "improvisation". But before I say more about the piece I would need my first question answered
  10. Thank you for listening. I am glad that you remarked about the similar overall sound to this conertante and the other one for guitar in e minor that I posted. As my concertantes follow a similar structure and pattern.The forms of the concertantes are derived from a rhythmic pulse and a melodic idea that is decorated with motivic ideas. There really is no introduction of additional themes but instead I use variations and combinations of the main theme and various motivic ideas to created "second" or "additional" thematic/rhythmic ideas. Again, as i mentioned with the other conertante once i have received my copyright registration for the works I will post the score. As for commenting on other works....as you can see I have been a member for a number of years and commenting on other works is not new to me or a problem for me. I am returning to the forum after a leave to focus on my personal projects. Thank you for the comments. Yes, the rhythmic pulse is one of the motivic ideas I have used and will continue to use in my concertantes...above in my first reply I give a more information concerning the structure.
  11. I am in the process of getting my registration on my copyright for the score. So once that is done I will post the score. The issue with the resonance is that it is not a live guitar but software sequenced. But the piece was reviewed by the guitarist it was composed for and indeed is playable. The Latin style is a little there. I am Caribbean and the musical styles of the Caribbean and Latin have the same roots and at times it will come through in my music by chance as well as by planned thinking. And yes, I know about the score. I have answered that in the reply above. :) No, I do not know Castelnuovo Tedsco really. I think I have come across the name once. The idea of keeping the registers separate for the guitar and piano was a main thought for me as I didn't want too much issues with unbalance and I also wanted to use the idea as another way to for texture and contrast at various times. As I mentioned in my reply above, I had the guitar music reviewed by the performer it was composed for and is indeed idiomatic but with some challenges here and there. Thank you for your comment. Where you comment on 1:38 did u mean strange as in perhaps it stuck out like a sore thumb? I'm glad you liked the piece.
  12. There is a sense of dramatic flair that is trying to come through. However, I don't feel that you should consider this piece "done" or "complete" just yet. I think this would be a great piece to go back to after doing some more harmonic studies. I also think that the "drama" will be of a greater effect of you take into consideration the form of the piece such as moments of transition, what repeats and how as well as how often, variations on your ideas ect. This is a good effort. But once you have grown a little more musically perhaps you should either revisit this work or perhaps compose another one like this one with new found understanding and ability.
  13. I personally don't see a problem with the rhythmic activity of the text in the piece. I myself have composed works that have used similar techniques with rhythm and text and although singers have had trouble during rehearsals it eventually came through. I also agree on the key change/harmonic shift issue. It would add another dimension of depth that seems to be needed.
  14. Tried to take a listen but didn't work...
  15. Duet for Guitar and Piano Concertante No. 4 in E minor for Guitar and Piano
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